New to the forum, from Tacoma


New Member
So I just randomly stumbled across this forum from a craigslist ad. lol
Kinda wish I knew about this earlier, but I am hoping to read a ton on here and find some quality breeders/shops in the area!

I'm fairly new to fish and still have quite a bit to learn. My gf and I got a hand-me-down 12 gal hex from her family, and I started browsing for what we could put in it. Saltwater seemed a bit over my head, so I chose freshwater. We started with some glofish danios and guppies. As of now, we have them rehomed to a 10 gallon long (they love the horizontal room to dart around) with 2 snails and 2 ghost shrimp.

I'm using the 12 gal hex as a QT tank, and I have a 55 gal display tank that we just set up. I wanted discus, but on a student budget they seemed to be insanely expensive and finding a good breeder that would cut me a deal on shipping was near impossible.
As of now, my 55 gal is holding a school of 10 x-ray tetra, 2 juvy angels (marble black and a more platinum striped guy), 2 cockatoo cichlids (one reg apisto gramma and one agassizi), an unknown pleco, and 2 japanese clear shrimp.

I'm looking to add a gold nugget pleco, a double dark angel (if I can find one!), and a couple gouramis if space/bioload permits.

Either way, there's my lengthy intro, and hello everyone! I look forward to asking 20 ?s and getting to chat with you all! :D


New Member
Hey, Welcome to WFB.. This is an awesome place to learn more about your new found hobby.... From what you said you pretty much are sticking with community fish.... When you make the leap to cichlids is when the hobby gets really interesting!

If your into more colorful bright fish, african rift lake is probably more the way....

If your into bigger fish with big personality check out the american cichlids... (Gonna need allot bigger than a 55gal for them though.)

Anyway, Hope you find all the stuff your looking for, dont hesitate to ask any questions, really helpful people on here. :)


New Member
Thanks sand, and everyone else!
I'm slowly leaning into cichlids now. I got a couple little guys and a ninjessi (sp?) .. they're pretty cool.
My buddy has a JD and some other bright yellow guy that are pretty awesome as well, but like you said my 55 limits me a lot!

Still gotta figure out where I can find double dark angels!!!


New Member
i assume your the one that recently came over for a cpl of my CL items.. if u bothered to look at the 125 in my living room thats a good example of an african tank :). anyways welcome and too bad i couldnt meet ya.


New Member
Anthraxx said:
i assume your the one that recently came over for a cpl of my CL items.. if u bothered to look at the 125 in my living room thats a good example of an african tank :). anyways welcome and too bad i couldnt meet ya.
Yeah, that was probably me :)
I only briefly saw the living room tank... it looked pretty awesome from what I could tell!

The little yellow guy is doing great btw. He's finally starting to be less shy and start swimming around. I have him in qt with an angel and they're getting along fine


New Member
yeah hes always been passive. hes easily 3 years old, the kribs kinda tore him up some hopefully he gets all healed up and pretty again.


New Member
He's awesome. He does this thing where he will take a mouthful of sand and shoot it out under his jaw through his gills (?) it's crazy lookin... at first I thought it was bad news but when I looked it up apparently a lot of fish do that

Do you know what kind he is? Still haven't gotten a positive ID on him anywhere. One of my buddies said he's definitely not a nijssene (sp?) so I dunno


New Member
when hes got some color to him he looks nijssene. hes just a bland male when hes comfy tho, maybe he just didnt like his tank mates idk. i bought him ages ago at either sierra fish and pets or a place for pets, originally under the name nijssene. maybe with a girl to spice things up hed be more inclined to look pretty idk.