New to the forum and fish!


New Member
Hello all! I'm new here and pretty new to fish keeping in general. I was referred here by a friend. I'm currently working on getting my betta moved from his 5.5 gallon to a 10 and getting a bigger tank. Maybe a 30 gallon? But I haven't decided what I want in it yet so ideas are appreciated.


Welcome to the forum.

I just set up a 30 and currently house 1 angel fish, 5 Cory cats, 5, cardinal tetra, and a long fin bristle nosed Pleco.



Cardinal tetra

Bushy nose Pleco

This is just a start of a long list of possibilities. The web site above has many species and information on each fish.

Have fun :D



New Member
@DMD123 Hey! I recognize Pork Chop! You sent me here. I decided to try this site out since I've had trouble getting reliable information at other places.

@theChad Any ideas for a predator I could keep in a mid sized tank? (My dream would be to keep a shark, but that will never happen. Obviously.) I also like gars but they get too big.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Yep, I recognized you. Lots of good info here. Can be a bit slow at times due to it being just WA of course.


I once housed a dwarf pike in a 30 gallon long tank. One of my favorite fish.
However tank mate selections would be a bit more difficult. My son introduced small danio species with the pike. This seemed to work out okay. Later my son tried breeding Kribs with the pike. The male later killed the pike :(


Its a hit and miss with this type of fish. If it has a lot of attitude it may pick on them till they are stressed to death. Or it may leave them alone. Pike are a fish you have to watch carefully for attributes such as aggression. I personally would have an established aquarium where the bottom feeders have already been in the tank a while and are full grown or close to it.These bottom or any other fish will have to be large enough not to be considered as food. Then perhaps introduce the dwarf. Then watch out for chasing and continuous picking. Unfortunately in my experience its hard to find juvenile dwarf Pike. Introducing juvenile cichlids to an established community is sometimes the key to successful mixing.

I would defiantly grow out your bottom feeders and provide many hiding spots for your dwarf cichlid.