New to State & this site!


New Member
Hello everyone!!

I just wanted to say hello! And glad I found this site!
makes me feel less lonely having no friends here.

I currently have 5 tanks.

70 gallon- Sand with axolotls. Wild type and albo with snail.
55 gallon- with a 12' common pleco, 2 small catfish and 10 platys.
55 gallon that sits unfilled. hopefully going to get a dwarf lionfish when i get ready for a saltwater
30 gallon with a African cichlid.
5 gallon my recovery tank. for the sick or hurt.

I try to have sand in my tank, i prefer natural white sand.
This is beefcake



I seriously JUST got this common pleco last night all the gravel and tank he came with so next month after i settle into my new home im remodeling his whole tank with sand and live plants.

but so far these are my babys and i love taking photos on them :]

master chi

Welcome to WA fishbox,And Lakewood. I hope the upcoming weather doesn't discourage you too much.

Spring and summer are quite lovely around here.But hey all the rainfall should give you the perfect excuse to enjoy your fish more this season.


Well-Known Member
Hi SouthernPromise,

Welcome to WA Fishbox and the area! If you have an opportunity check out the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society ( for beginners and serious hobbyists. Our annual plant auction is the evening of Wednesday November 14th if you are ready for plants by then there will be excellent plants at great prices.



I'm starting to think the GSAS is a cult :lmfao:



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome. :)

If you decide to give Central or South American Cichlids a shot, let me know. :D


New Member
Thanks everyone,

Madness, I personally wasn't up for the cichlid but he seemed really sad and he is a gorgeous shade of orange, i adopted my betta out to someone cause my current in my tank was too strong for it and i put my cichlid in it, but the rocks for him seem to be ridciously pricey for like NO REASONl


New Member
Welcome to the forum and to the state. I caution you on making fish friends tho, they can be hard to get rid of :p