NEW! Hello from Bremerton


New Member
Hey everyone. Im new to the site and just getting the hang of the whole thing. All the info and chats on this site are great. I Just started my first tank in a while a few months ago. I have a 75 gal tank with tinfoil barbs, mollys and fry, platys, tetras and fry, silvertip shark, and pleco. Always looking for some new, neat fish to add to the group. I enjoy breeding fish and learning all about them. So far I have just bred dalmation mollies and buenos aires tetras. I have always wanted and would love some angels sometime if anyone is ever in need of a good home. Love my fish and can't wait for some fun with you all!



New Member
hey nick welcome to the site! This is a great place, great people, and tons of great information.... actually there are a few people trying to get rid of breeding pair of angels on here.... might want to check thoughs out if you want to get serious about it....

Looks like a bunch of community fish so far... just wait until you get into the cichlid species, they have allot of personality and are so much more entertaining to watch. Let us know if you need anything. :)


New Member
Thanks everyone for the welcome and help so far. I love this site and im sure ill get to know all you well. Now i just have to get some larger tanks. I am already pushing the limits for my 75 with all my fish and need to thin the crowd. Anyone iterested in some male black mollies?