New from Renton


New Member
Hi my names Ben, I am fairly new to having a a fish tank. Right now I have a 26 gallon bow front set up. I've had it about a month now and I am enjoying it. i have a small tinfoil barb, a silver dollar, a red tail black shark and two pictus cats. i am looking for to expanding in both fish quantity and tank size.


New Member
Hey and welcome to WFB ben! It always starts with just one tank, then MTS (multi tank syndrome) takes over.... Good luck with the hobby, let us know if you need anything!


New Member
Hey Ben. Welcome to the box!

I'm sure you already know, but those fish you mentioned will not beable to grow to their full potential in that size of a tank [Tinfoils get 12 inches, and silver dollars get 8-9 inches; never go by the Petsmart/Petco description. However, usually takes about 1 to 1.5 years to get to those sizes]. I think the cats and shark should be ok.

You say your thinking of expanding tank size. Great deals on tanks right now on C-List. Could probably pick up a 125 gallon with setup for around $300.

If you have any questions, just shoot and we'll respond quickly! Good luck!


Active Member
I am also in Renton and came to the box about 4-5 months ago with only a 29 gal tank... now I have 4 larger tanks going and some amazing fish that would have only happened through the people on this site. Very addicting.

BTW I have had silver dollars in a 29 gallon in the past.. they were stunted by the tank size at around 4-5 inches.


New Member
thank you, i am aware of how big these guys get, and i am looking for a bigger tank. money has been a little tight and i think i need a little more experience before i move up.


New Member

Yeah be careful I went from one tank when I first found this site to six all in a month and a half! You'd be surprised it's actually easier to maintain a bigger tank then a smaller one...their more forgiving.