My blue Gouramis


New Member
My blue Gouramis


the fella is on the right the chikka is on the left :lol


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

that is quite awesome. glad to know that people are sharing. thanks for the big ups Madness by the way.


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: My blue Gouramis

Nice pic of some blues,I really enjoy their behaviors when they interact. my son is currently rocking a blue and an opaline in his bedroom tank.


New Member
very cool

good to know that I'm not the only one who has some blues! @MRtom do I have that right? I believe that they are three, they are by far the shyest fish that I have.@ Lamental Jester your guy is quite stunning by the way


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

Very nice, and that's about right :) I just started keeping my first sparkling gouramis and I'm already a big fan. Thinking of setting up a tank for larger ones. Still trying to pick a breed though.


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

Beautiful fish! My aunt has a gold one. I personally don't since my tanks aren't large enough for them.


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

I bred both blues and golds. About 300 fry for each batch. The males tend to get aggressive when in breeding mode though, and it should only be him and the female in a 10gal. I think I have a single gourami left after getting rid of all of them. Very easy to care for, and I love their feelers! My breeding pairs were all very social and would come feel the glass when I put my finger to it. My porthole catfish also loved these guys and would latch on to their underside and presumably eat their poop. lol


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

I love pearls, and I am hooked on croaking gouramis. I am tempted to do a species tank of Three-spot... Who knows where I'll go with this tho! :)I love these threads cause they make my ADD go haywire! :face:


Well-Known Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

Several years ago I crossed Opaline and Blue Gouramis (Same species - Trichopodus trichopterus, formerly Trichogaster). It's is fun to watch them build the bubblenest. Didn't get cash for them but got much in trade from a couple of stores. I love undercutting distributors!

I have just gotten 3 Moonlight Gouramis (Trichopodus microlepis) with the intention of breeding them next spring when they are old enough, assuming I end up with a pair.

I wonder what the genus change is about.


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

Gouramis are pretty chill..unless you place them with other Gouramis that are a different breed, blues on average really do not care for other breeds of their kind, they will even beat the holly hell out of one anther, every now and then. my two have no issues with thank mates even a spastic Congo tetra. but they will nip and chase one anther about, two times a week. my fire or as some people call them sunset,Goutamies are two inches apiece, and my one who I just refer to as the asshole will chase the other guy around, and even will cop an attitude, with my angel fish who is nearly three times his size. people tend to over look that these, fish are a moody lot, and you need to be really, selective, about tank mates even if its with other gouramis.


New Member
Re: My blue Gouramis

I have only kept a sparkling gourami, mostly alone, but even now I have some Heterandria formosa in there with it, and it doesn't seem to care. I haven't seen it eating the babies either, which is surprising. That's what I expected to happen, but it has actually been really chill with the other fish I have in there. It doesn't even bother my shrimp, so if you are looking for a peaceful one, the sparkling gourami might be a good choice. They are super small, but pretty.