My 55g Planted Community


New Member
Here is an update after a year setting up.


2 Penguin 350's
1 48" Finnex Planted+
Dual glass tops
Big heater (forget spec/manuf)

1 Clown Pleco
1 Khuli Loach
1 Albino Dojo Loach
2 Dojo Loaches
2 Albino Corycats
4 German Blue Rams
4 Albino Cherry Barbs
5 Cherry Barbs
5 Salt & Pepper Corycats
6 Rummy Nose Tetras
6 Cardinal Tetras
6 Clown Loaches

Lots of Water Sprite, some swords, moss, and a few different ferns.
I do not use co2 but will soon. I just use ferts and root tabs. My light fixture helps a lot too.


New Member
Very nice green setup there, I like it a lot

If you have that much growth low tech without co2, you might just want to keep it that way, looks great.