Jewel w/o appetite


New Member
Jewel w/o appetite

Are Jewel cichlids naturally conservative eaters. I've had mine for a little while now and I figured at first she didn't want to eat because she was in a scary new tank. Now she is coming out of her shell a little more but she still isn't going after the food. Her previous owner was feeding her hikari mini pellet, she didn't want those. I had some Hikari micro pellets and she didn't want those. Even tried some omega one betta flakes and still a no. She comes to the surface and surveys the food but then swims back into her log. I did give her some frozen blood worms but I don't know is she ate those. Is this normal for them to be shy eaters?

Have another question, do jewels like to be in just pairs(if so do they do okay as a same sex pair) or do they like to be in groups?

Also was wondering if anyone had some jewels for sale I'm looking for some, will pay.


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

I have no direct knowledge, but what I've read online says that they'll eat anything. Good Luck


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

Hopefully your fish is eating by now... Is it by chance a bit smaller than most of the fish in your tank?

I have a jewel in my main tank that's a bit smaller than most of the residents and it's pretty timid. The jewels I have that are average sized are anything but timid. You might want to consider moving the jewel to a tank with some fish closer to its own size.


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

what are the water parameters? I know when I first got a jewel cichlid I tried to put it in a african lake tank.... bad idea.... it didnt like it at all.... became very docile, hid allot, and Im sure it was gonna die until I moved it to a planted discus tank.... it then ate like a champ and was too aggressive for the discus... ended up having to find a new home. :(

Let us know how its going.


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

She's eating fine now. She's alone in a 20gal with a big common plec that needs a home. Might be making the trip to apfp this weekend to get some more jewels. She along with any future tank mates will be moved to a 55 soon.

I honestly think she was just terrified of me and now that she's gotten use to me she curiously watches me.


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

why go that far out of your way for jewels? they should be available at most mom and pop stores and most petco/petsmart and the like. anyways just my two cents.


New Member
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

Have not seen them at petsmarts near me, I don't shop at petco and I'm tired of bringing home diseased fish.


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: Jewel w/o appetite

Seems like Ive seen them at Petsmart. Cant remember which store. I go to Lakewood because its close to work and South Hill because its close to home.

This time of year it seems more challenging to find healthy fish. They all seem to come in infected with Ich.