jags spawned


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I really was expecting to see more aggression in that tank. You have some serious bruisers in there and they are doing fine. Congrats on the jags gettin' busy! :hugg:


New Member
holy jesus... thats a TON of eggs.. congrats on the spawn. if you need any brine shrimp eggs to get going to feed the babies let me know. youll get better survival rates and faster growth using the fresh hatched stuff. i even have some left over supplies to build another one. (hatcher that is)


I think the aggresion stays down because of the scape... there is just to many places to hide. Of course there is chasing, but for now all is well. When the eggs hatch the male jag will go ape.. so I will be divideing it in a few days. But until then I am happy with it. I was really shocked that I dident lose a single red devil. I was assuming at that size to get 6 or 7 and I would end up with 2 or 3... nope they are all doing well super active and not scared of the big guys at all. Thanks for nice words guys.

Anthraxx, I don't care about a good survival rate.. really, what am I going to do with 1000 fry... most of them will be feeders within there first few days of being free swimming. Thanks for the offer though.


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Contributing Member Level III
fish_n_vw said:
I don't care about a good survival rate.. really, what am I going to do with 1000 fry... most of them will be feeders
What will you do with the fry? Do you raise any out? Just one of those questions a guy asks when he is trying to figure out what to do with his tank... :scratch: and his buddy has fish...


I plan on raising growing out about 30ish. I will probably find the best looking male, and get rid of the rest.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You know something VW. And I am sure others will agree. Ever since you got on this baby fish African kick, we dont hear much of you any more. Let me know when you start selling your man fish. :)


Oh no.... I'm not goin anywhere. I have just been super busy. I have a few tank stands to build. I have another tank to reseal. I just haven't had much time to post. I have also been working a crap load of overtime because my company is moving to another building. And I hav been researching some of my new fish (africans) to make sure I can care for them properly. I have always wanted to do tanganyikans, and now I am. But that dosent mean I'm not still keeping my centrals. After the holidays I plan on getting some altifrons from gage, in a group buy.... I have plans just not tanks. I really needed to find something to do with these three little tanks I have, something to keep me busy while my new big guys grow out.please don't make the mistake of assuming I am going anywhere. I will be on even less in december because we will be working mandatory 6 days a week 12 hour days. But once that's all over. I will be on again a lot. I'm still here and I still try to read every post. I just don't have much time to respond most of the time.... your just mad cause I don't like umbees :)


I have seen mels videos... they seem like alright fish... just nothiing to write home about. There only one color. I'm. Sorry, I. Just don't think there that cool.


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Contributing Member Level III
:laughhard: This has been one of the funniest things...

Just like my thought on festae, that only the female fish look good!

We all have our opinions! :laughhard:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My Umbee has a mask, it just looks bigger cause he is 12" and the Brichardi is barely 2. :)


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Contributing Member Level III
Just face it you will never get vw to think your Jack Depmsey, I mean umbee is cool. :(

He is just anti-umbee