Its time for you to vote on the POTM


Well-Known Member
Staff member
6 more days. Nice turn out of votes, Id like to see more. Come on everyone that has not voted and vote.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I think that maybe next time, the length of time people are allowed to vote could be shortened a bit......

even if it doesn't happen, thanks for taking this on, Madness!!!!


New Member
Nobettername said:
What kind of fish are 9,13?
Now that the polls are closed and we have a clear winner (congrats number 9!) I think it's safe to answer your question: number 13 is a Kyoga Flameback (I know this because its mine lol :D )

@Speedy327: I believe #3 is a Regal Peacock (could be wrong so will the owner please correct me if it is a different species)


It's finally over? We can change the picture? Should we start voting now for POTM June?
Sorry. I know that sounded like crap but come on, How many months has it been now?
I want to give a great big Congo Rats to #9 for winning. You deserved it with the great shot of a beautiful fish.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Once the new picture is on the banner, you all can start sending me pictures again. After 2 weeks of the picture being up, I will post the new pictures and you will have 2 weeks to vote. I am going to try and keep this schedule, but with school, kids, sports, it may be difficult. But I will try. :)


New Member
Thanks all. Sorry for the late response, I've been out of town. The fish (#9) is melanoteania parva. Nice pics all. Loved the Angelfish!