Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive


New Member
Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

After two years of disease-free dumb luck, I've been hit with my first fish sickness.

I bought three angelfish at the end of November. The smallest died three days later after not eating and hiding all the time. Then everything was fine, or so I thought...

Noticed around the beginning of January that one of the remaining two angels was picking at food, but mainly spit it out and was about half the size of the other. Moved it to quarantine as I tried to figure out what was wrong and have been doing at least weekly water changes. Treated with melafix and pimafix, both tanks, since I didn't want to dose with something that could potentially weaken their immune systems without making them better.

A little over a week and a half ago I saw white lacey poop coming from the stunted angel, just as some guppies began to die (skinny and pale) so I ran to the store and got some prazi pro. I did about a 30 percent water change and treated with the recommended dose in both tanks. The next day, in the show tank, the full-sized angel, had white liquid drifting from his butt. It kind of looked like smoke.

Eight days later I did a 25 percent water change on both tanks and treated with Parasite Guard (shotgun approach) at the recommended dose. It's now been three days since the parasite guard and tonight there was something about 1.5 inches long and white hanging from big angel's butt. Is it a worm that he's passing? It's not moving, so hopefully it's dead. Is he cleansing himself of whatever parasites he's been infected with? Should I do another dose of Prazi Pro or Parasite Guard?

Attached are some photos of the mystery parasite (or poop). The pink bit at the end is definitely digested food.



Here's a picture of the stunted one. You can tell by the disproportionate eye how much his growth has been slowed.

And just because I know everyone will ask:
Temp: 78 F
PH: 6.4
Ammonia: Near 0 (most likely ammonium from low PH)
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5ppm

Thank you anyone that helps,


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

It is internal parasites. My favorite is Parasite guard, but you need to follow the instructions. Dose, 24 hours, water change, dose again, 24 hours, water change and dose a third time. Once fish start grabbing food again, feed them their pellets after they have soaked in Epson salt paste for about 15 min. I take a TBL of Epson salt and mix it with 4 TBL of water. Feed this for only a couple of days and then go back to reg food.

24 hours after the 3rd dose do another water change and then add to the tank 1 TBL of Epson salt per 10 gal of water.

What do you feed them? Internal parasites can be a pain, so good food and clean water is important.


New Member
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

There are corys and congo tetra in the tank, so I alternate in the mornings between hikari algae wafers, an aqueon shrimp pellet, or Omega One super color pellets and flakes. Then in the evening I feed them frozen brine shrimp and maybe a little of the other foods. About two evenings a week I sub frozen blood worms. Sunday is a fasting day.

I was thinking of switching to New Life Spectrum for dry food when my Omega One runs out.

Do they sell Epson salt paste at the pharmacy?


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Squirmteben said:
Do they sell Epson salt paste at the pharmacy?
No, you buy the Epson salt and dissolve 1 TBL in 3TBL of water, then let the food soak in it. Epson salt is definitely sold at the store.


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

I recently did the Epsom salt treatment on one of my fish and it responded very well. Its nice to know you are using a healthy, natural remedy that works. With my fish it had stopped eating completely and I had to use a baby medicine syringe with tubing and pump a medicated food mix down its throat. Not fun for me or the fish but worked like a charm. If your fish is not eating, dont let it just waste away, try this technique out.


New Member
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Thanks a lot. I just stopped by the store and got some plain epson salt. I'll start treating their food with it right away. I'll treat with Parasite Guard tonight and tomorrow and let you know how it's going. I like that Parasite Guard is nice and cheap.


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Squirmteben said:
Thanks a lot. I just stopped by the store and got some plain epson salt. I'll start treating their food with it right away. I'll treat with Parasite Guard tonight and tomorrow and let you know how it's going. I like that Parasite Guard is nice and cheap.
And it has worked amazing for me. You can get it online for as little as $2 /bx.


Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Is epson salt the same as aquarium salt?


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Salzabar said:
Is epson salt the same as aquarium salt?
No. Epsom salt is Magnesium sulfate. Aquarium salt is Sodium Chloride.


Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

You're the best Betty. Did I spell that wrong? Damn spell check button broke again. :oops:


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Haha. Yeah, it's epsom, but a lot of people do call it epson... :)


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

EpsoM lol, salt is used by humans to clean you out, for the most part. Read the back of a container of it, this does a similar job on fish. It helps to clean out their digestive track.


New Member
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

I found three pounds of Epsom Salt for $4 in Walgreens, on an endcap near the pharmacy. I avoided the eucalyptus and lavender scented bags, not because I didn't want my fishtanks to smell wonderful, but because who knows what it would do to my fish and plants.

I'm probably going to start mixing my own ferts soon, so the epsom salt will come in handy there as well.


New Member
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Update: After the third 24hour/25% water change Parasite Guard dose, both of my angels were hiding in the back and not moving much while the lights were on. It's been two days and I dosed one day with Epsom salt (after a water change). The larger angel has become more active, almost to his old self, chasing food, but eating kind of gingerly. The smaller, stunted angel has been sitting next to the heater, staring at the side for about two days, not interested in anything. Should I wait and see what happens? I'm thinking of dosing with some Herbtana and Artemiss to boost their immune systems.


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Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

At this point just keep up a nice water change routine. Even if it is just 10 gallons or so each day for a few days. Your fish are stressed from all that has gone on. My Ornatums had the same issue, and after about 2 weeks they all were eating and acting lively.


New Member
Re: Is it a worm or internal parasites? I know that might be repetitive

Thanks Madness, all of my fish are active again and eating like crazy. I don't know what I would have done without your help; especially when they were catatonic, after the medicine, and staring at heaters. I probably would have panicked and did something rash, but you kept me calm and doing water changes (I did start dosing small amounts of Herbtana and Artemiss, but I don't know if they had any effect other than smelling good. But they didn't have any adverse effects).

And I think my congo tetra are trying to spawn again!