i take in american cichlids


New Member
i take in american cichlids

i have no balance in my tank atm looking to put a few more in it to create order i have two wolf jag hybrids and 2 red tiger motagues but my female red tiger is getting her butt kicked by all the fish they are all 4 inches or bigger and in a 55 gal i also will take any advice on what to do


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: i take in american cichlids

Get a bigger tank!

Adding something will only help temporarily by displacing the aggression for a little while on something else. Cichlids can be surprisingly different with more space.


New Member
Re: i take in american cichlids

Far be it from me to chastise someone about tank population...

but 4 fish over 4 inches = what?

how big is your biggest fish? hybrids can grow suprisingly fast..


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: i take in american cichlids

Well I see four fish that all have the potential of 12" if not more for the hybrids sharing a 55g. Yep there will be aggression and adding more fish is not really an answer. Another solution would be get rid of three of the fish and keep one "wet pet". Then move it into a larger tank when it continues to grow...


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: i take in american cichlids

Zerc said:
Far be it from me to chastise someone about tank population...
You have a bigger tank! You are not having any issues and if you do you know how to deal with it. I just did not like the post starting with the 'I take in fish' and this is the persons first post here.

Sorry I'm ranting.

I should have started with :welcome!: joebyrd6499

Please take a moment to fill out your profile. Adding a signature line of what tanks and fish you keep would also be nice that way we can all get to know you better.


New Member
Re: i take in american cichlids

Put some hiding spots in the tank. a few terra cotta pots, some big rocks, some driftwood.

if they cant see each other then they cant fight!


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Re: i take in american cichlids

Zerc said:
Put some hiding spots in the tank. a few terra cotta pots, some big rocks, some driftwood.

if they cant see each other then they cant fight!
+1. If you want what you have to last, you have to help them out. Packing in more fish wont work. If your able to upgrade to a 75, 90, or 100, that will definitely help with the aggression. But not the overall problem. The Jag/Wolf hybrids will start to get very aggressive, and the RTM's themselves are no slouch in the aggression category. You either need to invest in another 55 to put the RTM's in for a bit or completely increase your whole setup to accommodate everything.


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: i take in american cichlids

With that mix my minimum recommendation would be a 6ft long tank. More like 125g for long term.


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: i take in american cichlids


Where did you go? Only one post and no visit back? :(