I found the fish people! New Tanganyikan tank!


New Member
Hi fish boxers! Long time, no see.

So, it took a year, but I found the fish people here in Louisville. Met some cool people with fish rooms, breeding operations and some good deals. I set up a 46 bow front with some F1 Blue Zaire Frontosa and F1 Gold Head Comps. All juvies, maybe 1" to 1-1/4" each. 9 fronts, 4 comps and a couple of bristle nose. Feels good to have a tank set up again.

Pics? They'll be up tomorrow.


New Member


New Member
Little guys are doing awesome. Comps and Fronts make for a nice tank. Comps picked their side and the Fronts picked theirs. I have 3 rescue Fronts from another tank, they are about 2" each. they are kind of herding the little fronts..lol..it's awesome.