Have I saved her? Anything more to do?


A week ago I picked up my first Discus, and they've done fine this past week. Yesterday morning I found one of them floating on her side, but still breathing. I watched her for a bit and she didn't move, just floated there, so I decided to net her and euthanize her to put her out of her misery. As soon as she saw the net, like a bolt she was at the bottom of the tank, but still on her side. I tried to net her again and the chase was on with her swimming like a flounder. I realized this must be an air bladder problem, and sort of remembered reading about epsom salts used on Discus with air bladder problems since it can be a symptom of constipation. Quickly found the info via google and ran to Freddy's and picked up some Epsom Salts.
I siphoned about 3 gals of tank water into a bucket and added 1.5 tsp ES per gallon, then I snuck up on her and got her netted and in the bucket. I left her in the Epsom Salt solution for an hour. I noticed that she did have a big ol' bloated belly when I had her in the net. After an hour she was swimming at a pretty acute angle, but not on her side any longer and I placed her back in the tank. After about 8 hours she was back on her side in the tank, so repeated the proccess with a new batch of ES water and left her in it for about 2.5 hours, then I dosed the entire tank with about 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon ES per gallon (good ferts for the plants too). This morning she looks fine - swimming vertically again and eating, bulge is gone as well.
So what causes this? Anything else I should do to treat her or was this good n nuff?

Oh, and water parameters are: Temp 84, pH 6.6, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5-10, KH 3.


New Member
How many discus do you have in the same tank? It sounds like you got her cured just need to watch her and her feeding habits. Also what are you feeding the discus because when I had some I never had any diseases with them besides ich from putting them in a dirty tank.


There are four 2.5-3" discus in a 50 gal tall. I'm feeding frozen blood worms, Hikari Bio-gold (for Discus), and "Alife" brand - a pellet that King's Discus was feeding when I purchased them.
Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't over eat. She ate fine this morning.


New Member
This is what I follow when I have a fish with a bloating problem.

Bloat or Constipation:
Symptoms: Your discus will look bloated - like he swallowed a marble. There may be an indentation behind the bloated area as if he had been pinched by your thumb and forefinger. Your discus may shimmy and shake. He may not be able to maintain his balance and will generally look uncomfortable and be dark in color.
Treat with Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate - sold in grocery stores or drug stores as a foot soak for people). One or two teaspoons of Epsom Salt per 10 gallons of water. Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Epsom salt will not hurt the filter or the other fish. You may dose in higher amounts of even one or two tablespoons per 10 gallons. If fish is not better in 24 hours suspect a bacterial infection.




Thanks Hal, that is exaclty how she looked (bloated and pinched).
I dosed ES at 1.5 teaspoon per gallon for the bath though.