Goliath African Tiger


New Member
nice! aquarist world?? I almost got one awhile back but I knew I would never have the tank space needed! Have you seen the youtube video goliath tiger fish eats arrowana? you should check it out if you haven't its pretty good! I always liked tigers but have always disliked arrowanas so that video is music to my eyes so to speak.


New Member
i love those things myself, dont think id keep them just for risk of losing a digit. either way id be cautious of feeding that thing anything from a petsmart. id either A. get a fishing license and go catch urself some trout, or B. go to a grocery store and stock up on like tilapia or something along those lines when its cheap. if you still have him next year you should also snag a shellfishing license as crabs/clams/oysters are all readily available on a ton of beaches around here. for 15$ and a little bit of your time you could easily gather enough food for him for a year. just my two cents GL with your apex predator! :)


New Member
Nice.. I've always wanted to get one but never had the tank space for it.. The fish in my big tank are too big.. :(
Between GATF and an Armatus, some day.. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aquarium Paradise has had the for sale off and on in the past.  If you want any more. you never know, ask Dom if he can get any in.


New Member
I have seen some youtube videos a couple of months back. they are truly apex predators all the way. the teeth! my god the teeth!


New Member
Reminds me of stories from the neighbors of people in the 80's who kept schools of piranha and would feed them rabbits and things like that.... That's one serious fish, my friend. Have you tried feeding it anything other than fish- feeder mice, insects, things like that? I wonder if it would enjoy anything like that...


New Member
I have not, I want to get it to tip top health before I try anything else. Its long straight appearance is unhealthy. The tiger is suppose to look oval, but he's slamming fish down like no other and will eventually be trying other thing for a varied diet.