German Blue Ram Spawn!!


Just an update from today the eggs look really good mom is doing a great job of keeping them clean. I read that if the eggs turn white they aren't fertile is that true? I've only seen one white one and the mom ate it. I moved the male to my 10 gal quarantine tank because the girls were really beating on him, I'll re introduce him once the eggs are gone since both girls are caring for the eggs.


Well-Known Member
I always love watching the eggs develop. It is a site. Even after they hatch they are still 'eggs' with a tail for a couple of days.

Hopefully, you'll have enough survivors to spread around (for a modest fee of course). I personally like to get fry that are a couple of weeks to a month old and watch them grow up but that isn't always feasable.

I wish you luck, even if you keep them all!


I came home and I found all the fertile eggs gone and I was like well poop she ate them

Then while I was feeding I noticed something move on the lava rock next to the log, It turns out that the babies hatched and the momma moved them to the underside of the rock. the photo is blurry but you can see the mass of babies


little baby wigglers!! The moms cant decide if they want them on the rock or on the marimo ball next to the rock!


Well-Known Member
They are probably moving them to future food sources. Marimo balls are hotbeds of micro-organisms the fry will feed upon.


Well-Known Member
Next time. Maybe when they are wrigglers, you can suck them up with a turkey baster or something and then put the brood into a different tank with a sponge filter, using the same water they came from so they don't go into shock. That way the odd ram or other fish doesn't snack.

When my kribs laid eggs I pulled the whole piece of wood out because they kept raising them to be old enough to fend for themselves (they are such good parents) and then the parents ate them. This is from a wild pair. They are much more territorial than the last batch of kribs I had. 3 pair shared the same tank. These guys won't let anyone live.

I realize gathering substrate spawners isn't quite so simple. Another option is to let them spawn in another tank and remove them after they have laid eggs.


New Member
congrats, i have had mine spawn 4 times but they never made it past the wiggler stage. my advice is; leave a small light on for them at night so they can keep guarding their eggs, especially if you have any snails, as those will eat the eggs at night if they have a chance. i tried leaving the light on for the night the second time they spawned, and that was the time they actually hatched. then, they got eaten.

edit; didn't realize there was a second page- cool that you got wigglers, but sorry yours got eaten too... maybe keeping the light on would help at this stage too, though?


New Member
Sorry to hear they got eaten.. My GBR pair just laid eggs in my tank as well.. I am super excited to see what happens...


Ok round 2 if they hatch this time I'm going to suck some up and try a breeder box. Anyone have a suggestion on what kind of breeder box would work? I have been looking at the external ones that hang on the side.



Mom guarding the eggs, I put a bunch of algae wafers on the other side of the tank and I'm leaving the lights on hopefully the stupid snails stay away.


There is a external breeder box made by Marina. It boast an airline attachment and uses the tank water to flow through it.
Find it at  
click on "breeding supplies" in the left catagory list, then select "breeding traps & tank dividers". Scroll down to the bottom and select "Marina hang-on breeding box" medium or large. These are awsome and seen them in-use at a friends place with fry in them.
He used a small baster to clean out the collected poop and excees foods. I am ordering 2 and are glad to see a breeder box that really works!