FX5 owners, do you ever replace the sponges?


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Contributing Member Level III
Do you ever replace the sponges?

I ask this question because it seems like the performance of my filters has decreased significantly over the past two years. I have repeatedly rinsed out my sponges for the past two years with tank water and they are not falling apart but are discolored a bit. My filters just dont seem to pick up debris like they use to, so could it be time to replace the sponges?

With my AC110 HOB filter it seems like I have to replace the sponge every now and then because it just starts to fall apart and rot away. I have not seen this happen yet with the FX5 but I wonder if I replaced the sponges if I would see a difference. Any thoughts from you guys?


New Member
I don't have an fx5 but do have a large canister filter. I myself never have replaced the coarse sponges but do replace the medium sponge after 2 rinses in tank water. I use a medium sponge instead of the polishing pad because I feel that the polishing pad clogs way to quick. So in my 4 stack I use coarse pad in bottom tray, medium pad in next tray, bio-balls in next tray, ceramic rings in top tray. If the coarse pad is not falling apart and you can rinse it clear I think your only wasting money,but in my opinion medium and fine filter pads do need to be replaced. I think It also depends if the sponge is the spongy kind like in an aquaclear or the type that has the plastic type feel. That's just my opinion


New Member
DMD123 said:
Do you ever replace the sponges?

I ask this question because it seems like the performance of my filters has decreased significantly over the past two years. I have repeatedly rinsed out my sponges for the past two years with tank water and they are not falling apart but are discolored a bit. My filters just dont seem to pick up debris like they use to, so could it be time to replace the sponges?

With my AC110 HOB filter it seems like I have to replace the sponge every now and then because it just starts to fall apart and rot away. I have not seen this happen yet with the FX5 but I wonder if I replaced the sponges if I would see a difference. Any thoughts from you guys?

Assuming You are talking about the sponges on the outside of the trays? If so mine a pretty old and discolored but still doing fine. They seem very porous and the water runs right through them. I have matrix in the btm and middle tray, with quilt batting and a blue/white filter pad at the very top.


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Contributing Member Level III
Yes, the outer sponges are the ones I am talking about. I use pond matrix in all three baskets. On one filter I have a Eheim 2215 blue sponge on the top covering up the matrix and on the bottom basket I have a fluval blue fine pad. The other filter I run the blue fine pad on the top. I am experimenting a little with the filter pad to see if I notice any improvements setting up one way or another. I have almost considered changing the top basket to the biofoam set up that is used on the FX6.


New Member
I think if water flows through the outer ones pretty good you should be fine, at some point I am going to buy new outer ones, just not high on the priority list.

I clean my filter about every 3 weeks, more for the fish I keep. I usually douse the outer ones in tank water really good, I also dump the media in and swash it around really good as well. I always replace the filter floss which I get from Wal-Mart for like 5 bucks for a big bag, I also replace the blue/white filter pad every couple of months.. I saw those new pads you mentioned and will go that route soon.. Just for the top tray though.


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Contributing Member Level III
Looks like thats all they use in the top is two of the new bio sponges. I had found out about the Eheim 2215 precut sponges working on the fluval on a different forum. I wonder if it would be just as good. Just remove the matrix in the top basket and do sponges....


New Member
DMD123 said:
Do you ever replace the sponges?

I ask this question because it seems like the performance of my filters has decreased significantly over the past two years. I have repeatedly rinsed out my sponges for the past two years with tank water and they are not falling apart but are discolored a bit. My filters just dont seem to pick up debris like they use to, so could it be time to replace the sponges?

With my AC110 HOB filter it seems like I have to replace the sponge every now and then because it just starts to fall apart and rot away. I have not seen this happen yet with the FX5 but I wonder if I replaced the sponges if I would see a difference. Any thoughts from you guys?
Its the sponge material that is lacking.  I use (and try to replace all premade sponges in my filters) Poret foam.  It comes in different thicknesses and different densities.  I found this a while ago which helps with foam selections:

20ppi - large, open, 20 ppi
30ppi -  medium open pores getting smaller, finer trapping
40ppi - dense
50ppi - very fine but extremely dense and will clog and produce bubbles in high flow

40-50ppi fry tank possibly
20-30ppi most other applications

20 ppi - This coarse foam pad filters larger waste particles such as food and plant remains from you aquarium system. The first step in filtration.

30 ppi - This coarse foam pad filters small waste particles such as food remains and small gravel excrements. Use after Foam 20 filter pad

Poret foam can be found here:  dang...having trouble with the link...I get mine from Swiss Tropicals Poret foam
got it... http://www.swisstropicals.com/filtration-shop/poret-foam-shop/


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Contributing Member Level III
Are you using this foam in an FX5 to replace the outer foam or a different application?


New Member
There was a guy on one of the forums MFK I think that experimented with different media set ups in the FX5 might be worth a search. I don't remember the results..


New Member
DMD123 said:
Are you using this foam in an FX5 to replace the outer foam or a different application?
I don't have my FX5 anymore but use it in my Eheims, Renas, Fluvals, and Aquaclears. But if I was replacing the foam in the FX5 I would use the Poret to do it...and it's pretty easy to sculpt too.


New Member
I used to use the FX-5 filters quite a bit before I changed up to a wet/dry sump set up. The FX-5 filters can handle a pretty good bio load with out clogging up right away. Even though the filter media got dirty, I never had to change the coarse filter pads.


New Member
I have (3) FX5 filters never changed a sponge in 4 years so far.

Also you can buy the same stuff as Poret foam for half the price, just search "reticulated foam". I buy it in the same sizes as the Poret stuff and the stuff I get is made right here in the good ole' USA.