Free Clown Loach


New Member
I have one Clown Loach who is sick. I am looking for someone who is willing to try and save him. I believe he has ick, he is free of course. He got sick when his buddy died and he got stressed. Ive tried cranking up the heat and adding salt, no luck in getting better tho. I know they like to be in groups and hes just depressed. You must have a quarantine setup if you want to take him. I do not want to be responsible for your fish getting ill. They can get rather large, so please take that into consideration. I am continuing treatment until someone is willing to take him. (Water changes, salt, heat, increased air.) I just want someone knowledgeable to give him the home he needs and deserves. After he gets healthy, he should be with other clown Loaches. If anyone is interested, Please message me. I'm in the Kitsap area. Thanks!


New Member
Weird, I've always had amazing luck dealing with ich with salt treatments and putting the temp to 86.

Good luck on your search!