Female Gold/Black Angelfish looking for NEW love! :-)


New Member
Hello WAFishBox.

I have a pair of Gold/Black Angelfish (Female is mostly gold, Male is mostly Blackveil).

They've had 4 batches of eggs in the past month and they've all turned white. That tells me the male is have ED problems fertilizing the eggs??

Current setup is a 10 gallon tank with sponge filter. Water pH is a little on the alkaline side (around 7.5). I change about 20% of the water each week. Feeding the pair frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Does anyone have a surrogate male For Hire or FOR Sale in a similar strain? Any other suggestions?

Female Angel looking for love.

Fred B:lol


Lol fred. Did you get live plants for your humongous tank.