Ello new someone to the forum


New Member
Ello new someone to the forum

So I Just got back into fish keeping after about 15 years of, taking a break.  I have two 30 gallon  fresh water tanks.  one is a hexagon, with a very inquisitive looking angle fish, two fire,Gouramis a Chinese sucker mouth a little placo cat two hand me down black skirt tetras two very active ghost cats three cherry barbs and three x-ray tetras. crap that was a lot to type out!
so then on to my second tank which is a standard, rectangle shape. two big blue gouramis, seriously I have never seen, two blue grouramis,  as big as these two. three bleeding hart tetras a spastic Congo tetra, three gold barbs four neon tetras, two corey cats, and one African dwarf frog who, seems to be m.i.a. I love tetras and gouramis,  getting stoned  and watching them. I consider my self, pretty well versed in aquarium keeping, as I have bin doing this since I was 14, and I'm now 34. never the less, I love to travel, bar hop, play video games,  learn from others and indulge in hedonistic activity's of questionable nature, every now and then.  sorry for any misspellings typos or incoherent,  sentence structure.  as I'm most likely on a mind altering substance as of typing this.:p :lol: :shock:


Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Welcome. If youre interested this Saturday we, fishbox are having a swap.  Here is some info.
Date:  September 14, 2013
Location is the same:   Kloshe Illahee Age Appropriate Park
2500 S 370th St, Federal Way, WA 9803
Time:  1:00pm to set up;  2pm open doors to public           
5pm close to public;  Clean up and out by 6pm


Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Nvm you saw it already.


Re: Ello new someone to the forum


:welcome!:  Got pict's?


New Member
Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Welcome, not sure you will find much hedonism here, but we can maybe answer your fish questions! :D

Any plants in your tanks? I'd say that's a good place to head next if you are getting back into the hobby, it has really been awesome for me the last couple months to watch my underwater gardens grow and evolve. Check out the "plants and inverts" section, I made a thread there about good low-tech, generally beginner-friendly plants


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Contributing Member Level III
Re: Ello new someone to the forum



New Member
thanks everyone

thanks for the info on the, federal way gathering. I will do my best to make it. if not please keep me posted on the next one. :D and yes I do have pics, of my fishes I will be sure to post some. :lol: <is it just me or are these smiley things kinda addicting? if hedonism is not to be found here:roll: then like minded people who enjoy the rewarding hobby of fish keeping will do.:D  please share pics of your finned friends by the way!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Welcome. And it's time to talk you into some American cichlids!!!


New Member
Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Welcome! Can't wait to see the pics, I'm also a big fan of Tetras and Gouramis.

Lamental Jester

New Member
Re: Ello new someone to the forum

Azel said:
I love to travel, bar hop, play video games,  learn from others and indulge in hedonistic activity's of questionable nature, every now and then.  sorry for any misspellings typos or incoherent,  sentence structure.  as I'm most likely on a mind altering substance as of typing this.:p :lol: :shock:
I think i found a new best friend! baahahahaha
