Can you have too many plecos?


New Member
I seem to have collected quite a few I had none a few weeks ago. Now, I have the following:

1 - 10" GOld Nugget
1 - 8" Green Phantom
4 - Bristlenose (1 large male with huge bristles, 1 small male and 2 small females)
2 - Orange Seam

I think I have too many, but the Gold Nugget and the Green Phantom are simply stunning fish. So awesome and beautifully colored.


New Member
haha... i used to have alot of pleco in my main tank too... used to have full size emperor pleco, 3 1/2" L134 leopard frog, green phantom (stil have), albino bristle nose (still have)


New Member
The simple answer is no.

I'm obsessed with plecos, I dont know how a fish that does nothing all day can be so interesting.
guys ive got to say im a fan now to.

since my pair of bristlenose started being productive im getting a kick out of them.

they are just now letting a second batch out of the cave,totally groovin


New Member
Pleco_Party said:
The orange seam i was talking about is L081 or L018. I want a really dark spotted one with bright fin tips.

those are nice... gold nugget pleco huh.... never had a luck on those.. those are the only pleco that i cant keep alive. tried them twice already, they all died... dont know why... never lost any pleco, just the gold nugget... >_>


New Member
See this is what i dont like about the L numbers. Most of them seem intertwined. One place the L number will reference a pleco and in another place the same L number will reference a totally different pleco.


New Member
ya thats why i never got too in depth with plecos. always been fascinated by all the different colorations and armor patterns. but a lot of the information available seems to contradict itself. plus 60$ a pop for anything decent throws me off.. especially for a crapping machine :p


New Member
Yea I havnt dropped more than $40 on a pleco before... I think Zebras are priced crazy.

O yea and with the orange seam pleco and the gold nugget pleco. There are some orange seams that look almost exactly like a gold nugget and gold nuggets that look exactly like orange seams.

It seems like every day i find a new pleco i want. Like this one i just found:

When i get my house i am just going to have tanks of them.


New Member
Correction guys, I have a Goldie (L014), not a Gold Nugget (L018). Big difference in looks and


New Member
We have a few too. I love these guys! So does my woman.

Snow ball, zebra, butterfly, bushynose. Every time I see a different one I want it!

Them and the different cats.


Active Member
? are there any conflicts between different plecos... one that will dominate and kill others... or just by size. Do you keep all varieties in one tank and supplement a log of wafers and cucumbers in there? I also love the pleco but only keep one in each tank.


New Member
I have a lot of wood (that's what she said).

They never fight and don't seem to mind each other or even having another pleco hop on top of them and ride the larger plecos

I just drop wafers around the tank and some cucumber slices. Keeps everyone happy.


New Member
I have had up to 9 plecos in a tank at one time and had no issues. I have read that they get more aggressive when they get bigger but mine have never been aggressive. I have heard that plecos will try to suck the slime coat off other fish but i have never heard of them killing another pleco. And The way i fed all of my plecos was having some wood in their for them to suck on and throwing wafers in there every day. They lived for years and none died.