CAE's/sharks & plants?


New Member
I want a bottom dwelling fish/fishes for my semi-aggressive tank and I would love to have a red tail black or rainbow shark and/or a couple chinese algae eaters but I'm worried about my plants, some of them have more delicate stems and the last thing I want it to have fish tearing through everything. Any experience with CAE's and sharks in planted tanks? I would most like to have a single shark above everything else. It's a moderately planted tank(will become heavily planted once things grow in a little) good amount of rocks in the tanks as well as a huge piece of driftwood that has a lot of hiding places under it. The main occupants in the tank will be tiger barbs, maybe another species of barb later on.

Any experienced shared would be appreciated. If deemed a shark would be suitable for my tank can other bottom dwelling species(no more sharks of course) be in the tank(ie. CAE).


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Contributing Member Level III
At The Wild Side pet store (dont get the debate started) they have flying fox in the planted discus tank and these guys look like they clean off any of the algae that grows on the leaves of the plants. So possible idea of a fish, instead of a CAE.


New Member
DMD123 said:
At The Wild Side pet store (dont get the debate started) they have flying fox in the planted discus tank and these guys look like they clean off any of the algae that grows on the leaves of the plants. So possible idea of a fish, instead of a CAE.
Debate not started ;) It is something to consider yes. I was just reading about them actually. I'm not really worried about something that will eat algae, I get a couple spots on the glass every now and then but haven't really had many issues with it so far. Just got a marimo ball for that tank to help suck up excess nutrients and also to sit and look pretty ;) If I have to I'll go to the wildside but the last couple fish purchases from there have ended up not being very healthy stock.


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Contributing Member Level III
Any reason why the CAE? They get pretty aggressive when they get big. What about a small type pleco like a bristle nose instead?


Well-Known Member
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CAE's get very aggressive, and big. I would go with a Red Tail Blk Shark. They are awesome cleaners and they eat everything, including the pleco crap. :D :spoton:


What debate? Wheather or not they have real flying foxs or one of the other two species that are often mistakin for flying foxs? Or another debate that I'm just in the dark about?


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Contributing Member Level III
Not a debate about the fish, a debate on the store itself. Not the best reputation in regard animal care or cleanliness.


New Member
I know CAE's are aggressive but I figured if they were in with barbs and had no other bottom dwellers competing for space then they'd be okay. Despite their commonness and aggressive nature I still think of them to be a pretty cool fish. BN plecos have crossed my mind, I've had them before and their a cool fish but I want to stick something in this tank that I haven't already had before, something that can't be with guppies and platys. After watching some youtube videos they seem to move gracefully enough amongst the plants. So the only thing stopping me from getting a shark now is my assassin snails, this is where they reside and they seem quite happy now as demonstrated by all the love making that's been going on. That being said they were there first and I don't want to move them. I can't find any info as to whether or not sharks will eat snails or not.


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Contributing Member Level III
I would go for a more rare bristle nose like a blue eye albino. Thats something you dont see often. CAE just seem to get really ugly when they get big... sorry but its true.


I see..... haven't been there in a long time. Will have to check it out.


New Member
A bristlenose is a bristlenose no matter what coloration it is, I just want something different, something I can't normally have with my peaceful fish. And madness, if you're referring to Sounguru I'm not sure why he would know whether red-tailed sharks eat assassin snails. He's studied the eating behaviors of snails not sharks so.... I mean unless there's a assassin snail expert that is also a red-tailed shark expert that I don't know about?


I think the determing factor would be tank size...... if large enough, either the CAEs or the rainbow or red tail shark would be a good fit. But if not big enough some corys might fit the bill better.


New Member
My redtailed black shark has to be put in with the puffers and polypertus and big pleco because heis so aggressive even towards my barbs and that was in my 55g where he was being mean maybe there is a nicer shark lol :)


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Ratlova30 said:
A bristlenose is a bristlenose no matter what coloration it is, I just want something different, something I can't normally have with my peaceful fish. And madness, if you're referring to Sounguru I'm not sure why he would know whether red-tailed sharks eat assassin snails. He's studied the eating behaviors of snails not sharks so.... I mean unless there's a assassin snail expert that is also a red-tailed shark expert that I don't know about?
No need to be a smart a**. And if you haven't tried asking, then answering for him is a bit ignorant especially when we are all just trying to help or lend an opinion. Consider my input on this subject. OVER!!!!


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Red-Tail Black Shark Factoids



Maximum Size

4.5 inches (3 more likely)


Larger the better


Loves planted aquaria. Likes caves.


Prefers 75 to 80o


Scrappy. Jumper.


Loves all foods. Needs vegetable matter.


Prefers pH above neutral.
Origins: Originally from Thailand, most red-tail sharks come from Far Eastern fish farms these days. The larger ones cost more than the smaller ones (as we all know). The smaller ones are also more fragile.
Name Origin: The “shark” in their name comes from their high dorsal fin that makes them look like a saltwater shark. Of course, they’re not. Many cyprinids (minnows) with high dorsal fins earn the more sellable name “shark.”
Shark sounds so much more desirable than minnow.
Look-a-Likes: When small, red-tail sharks resemble the “rainbow shark.” This slate grey fish with orange fins very closely resembles the darker bodied red-tails. Same info applies to both species. We still puzzle over the “rainbow” appellation.

Water Conditions: Red-tail sharks adjust to nearly any water conditions. They will fit into most community tanks.
Appeal: Most people like red-tail sharks because they look like sharks. Others like them because of their dramatic colors. Red-tails also get along fine with other fishes. They’re easy to keep and rarely stop patrolling the waters of their aquaria.

Jumpers: Nearly all sharks jump. Red-tail sharks will not disappoint you. They will bail from uncovered tanks – especially if spooked, such as when you turn on their lights.
Semi-Schoolers: If you keep two red-tail sharks together, they will argue constantly. They will not pine away when kept as singles. If you want more than one, keep several so no single fish gets picked on.
Breeding: Forget spawning. You will not likely spawn your red-tail sharks without the spawning hormone extracted from carp pituitary glands and access to very large aquaria or ponds.

Foods: Red-tail sharks eagerly eat whatever you feed them. They also graze the algae on the sides of your aquaria. However, don’t expect them to clean your aquaria sides like a plecostomus. They need foods with algae in them. Spirulina foods help bring out their colors. Red-tails also love live foods and frozen foods. Color foods will also make them turn darker and bring out their bright red tails.
Gravel: Red-tail sharks also color up best when kept over dark gravels. However, keeping them over black gravel or in front of a black background makes them nearly invisible.
Great Tank Mates: Red-tail sharks fit well in most community tanks. They mix well with nearly all typical fishes. However, some specimens have been known to pick on slow-moving goldfishes. Do not mix them with large, rough cichlids. The faster sharks will avoid the hungry cichlids for awhile (but not forever). We’ve kept a few larger ones with mid-size African cichlids for a while. We don’t recommend the practice.

Protective Plants: Some aquarists consider red-tail sharks a shy fish. Add some grassy plants such as vallisneria or sagittarius to make them feel more at home. Even plastic plants help.

Disease: Not particularly disease susceptible, red-tails show ich spots quite easily. Most ich cures used at full strength will weaken or kill red-tails. Use any ich cure at half strength if you keep red-tail sharks in your tank.

Filtration: Red-tail sharks like clean water. You cannot over-filter their water. Do not overfeed. Add snails to clean up the excess. LA.

Oh golie darn shucks, that was hard. :D


New Member
ok madness, please stop posting your opinions and advice on the threads that I start from here on out. I don't appreciate being called names so I'd just prefer we go our separate ways, I won't comment on your threads and I'd appreciate it if you do not comment on mine. Thanks.


fish_n_vw: the tank is a 40gal, I've decided against the possibility of CAE's, just don't want to deal with them at this time and I think I'll have better odds with the shark. I was looking in one of my fish books and was reading about anchor catfish, those would be awesome to have but i didnt know they existed until I read about them, guess you just have to live in the right place to find them at a pet store. Their just so unique small and friendly it would have been so cool to have them oh well...

Ashley: I get what you're saying. I think RTS are a lot like other species of fish where the personality of each individual varies. Kinda like bettas, some have to be kept alone and some can be housed with the most colorful guppies. I was talking to someone else who has a RTS and she said her adult lives with cories and tiger barbs without a problem but it will chase her rosy barbs so I think it just varies. So hopefully I'll get lucky :cheers: and score myself a more mild mannered one.


Come on guys, cut us some slack here. Bickering? Were all grown for the most part. Let's try to take advise and criticisum with a grain of salt. If a question is asked and an answer is givin let us not be penelized for it. And let us try to keep our answers as helpfull and friendly and possible......... sorry, part of my responsibility is to try to keep this forum a fun and "light" place to have conversation, light debates, and information about fish. So I must encourage everyone to "behave" and act in a civil manner... please and thank you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I completely agree. :D Thats why I am done with the subject, I sent Ratlova a PM to try and find out what happened, that way it stays off of here.

Good luck in your quest for tank mates. :D


New Member
DANG :affraid:

Sounds like someone is a bit touchy. I have always had red tail sharks in my tanks growing up along with snails. Never had any issues. Any that I noticed. Red tail sharks are great cleaners, beautiful to look at, and have great personalities. IMO if you keep them fed, and busy, they should have no reason to touch the snails.

Hey Madness, great info btw. Where did you find that?