body fungus


New Member
So, the Ornatum I got from APFP had white body fungus on the fins. I have been medicating them for about a month and it does not seem to do a damned thing. I went through the cycle on Melafix, Pimafix, Super Ich Cure, Maracyn TC and Maroxy. I have raised the temp and salted the shit out of the tank.


The fungus has not spread to any other fish, my Festae are fine, the convicts and cory's are fine. Just the 3 Ornatum that had it when I got the group from Kevin. When I got them, I noticed it and Kevin told me to just "salt the tank, raise the temp and you will be fine."

That hasn't happened.

I'm really at the end of the rope here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Funny you said that. The 3 Ornatums that I bought just before you cleaned him out, have it also. I don't know what they call it, but you can not treat it. I was told that the only way to get rid of it is to remove the fish from the tank and physically scrape the shit off. Excuse my language. I am just as irritated as you. I have scraped mine once, they all started to bleed, and those wounds have healed, but to no avail, the shit is still there. For $29 /fish, I say lets return them. Let me know if thats where you heading with this crap, cause I will hit Kevin at the same time.


New Member
I'm thinking of going up there tomorrow and talking to him. I bought 6 of these damned fish, not a small chunk of change. If you want to meet up there and talk to him and see if we can get our money back, I am all for it.


New Member
Funny thing about it is that it has resisted EVERY treatment I have thrown at it, easily soent $100 in medication over the last month and a half. I'm just glad it has not spread to any of my other fish.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Agreed. I did have 1 loisellei with something on its fin, but it wasnt it. I am heading up to see Kieth (rattle)right now, to pick up a tank. But ya, it has not spread, YET, to the others. I even scraped mine with a razor knife cause my nails couldnt do it. Still, they are just loaded with this crap. Let me know when you may be heading over to him, I will see if I can get there too. Unfortunately I live in Puyallup, so its a good distance away.

I am treating mine with some hard core external and internal meds and still nothing.

I will PM you my number. Feel free to text me.
ever try potassium permanganate guys?

ive seen nothing survive it in terms of parasites.its touchy stuff,3 table spoons does 3900 gallon pond,ive used it to cure the discus problems also,very minute doses.

research it a bit ,dont treat everyone just the sick ones,it can be used as a dip also.

research it well before deciding to use it ,its definitely for the experienced folks and many importers use it.


New Member
seattle transhiper said:
ever try potassium permanganate guys?

ive seen nothing survive it in terms of parasites.its touchy stuff,3 table spoons does 3900 gallon pond,ive used it to cure the discus problems also,very minute doses.

research it a bit ,dont treat everyone just the sick ones,it can be used as a dip also.

research it well before deciding to use it ,its definitely for the experienced folks and many importers use it.
I got some of that from Clark at Pet Pourii, he said that stuff works great against BBA and Hair algae, luckily I got mine cleared up before having to use it. I did some research on the stuff and its like white vinegar, great for many uses.


New Member
Well, Kevin was very accommodating. He gave me a package of "Lifeguard" and told us how to treat it. He said it was very tough to defeat and generally, just falls off when the fish gets bigger. We will see how the treatment goes. I did another 90% water change last night and will begin treatment tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Started mine last night. One of my Ornatums does not look good. :(

We will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ya, the fungus is not treatable. It is something else, u have to scrape it off. Kevin just said that he heard that life guard will help it break away from the body, and allow the fins to heal.