Are my Ps. Saulosi in the process of breeding?


New Member
Last night, I turned off my tank lights and turned on my dining room light, then I noticed that some of my juvs (all yellow and roughly 1 inch big or smaller) were circling one another. There's a video below that I found on Youtube (from 0:14 - 0:32 seconds) that shows what they were doing. Are my Saulosi in the process of breeding and if so, is it normal for them to be doing so when they're still yellow juvs?


New Member
Thats normal activity for juvenials. As they begin to color up they practice posturing. The same postering that results in mating and proving dominance when they mature, :O)

master chi

Actually the video shows a female who is clearly holding eggs,in the process of spawning with her male. There is very little chance though,that any of your juvie females would spawn with a yet to color male.
censeoflife is correct however in stating that the behavior your fish most likely are exhibiting is posturing. They are simply still in the stage of creating the tanks pecking order. An order that will continue to change for some time. Until a dominant male has shown himself.
Then you will have to wait to see how many sub dom males are in there. hopefully 3 right?
At least that's the common saulosi setup,assuming there aren't too other species in the tank.
I do forget what size this tank of your is. Isn't it a 29 gallon?  
Either way,don't worry too much because soon your saulosi will be doing the forbidden dance,and you will be able to tell the difference.

master chi

Mbuna will often circle chase,which at first may seem like spawning dancing. It's not.

The difference if I can describe is, Circle chasing is fast and furious,and looks like a race.

Spawn dancing is only fast when the male shimmies in front of the female. You will notice the male will shimmy,swim away,and expect the female to follow him. Sometimes she won't because she may not be sure he is just dancing,she may think he's being a brute,and she will swim away from him. But after his guaranteed persistence,she will eventually follow him to a male chosen space in the tank where they will begin to dance.

This circling looks more like they are taking turns nudging each others tail sides,and will be less fast and furious then the circle chasing you most commonly see.

If you want to give yourself the best chance to see a male spawn with her,keep a close lookout for where the dominant male has made his cave. You will see him digging out substrate from this area,and he will guard with all his might.When it comes time to do the dance that cave is where he plans to make the magic happen