Apistogramma Cacatuoides


New Member

Where can i get this?

any other information on them?

ive dont a search, well a few searches and ive found little to no info on these guys.

anyone familiar?


New Member
thats what is typically called a dbl red. should be able to get em via wetspot or apfp. id call both and see what they got. GL in the search. o sierra fish and pets might have them as well.


New Member
I got mine from a breeder in silver lake area, but I cant seem to get a hold of him..... I heard a few people got theres from APFP, and I think the breeder I got mine from sells to a place in seattle university area. I forget the name, never been there.

other common names is... dbl red, cockatoo cichlid


New Member
sandnuka said:
I got mine from a breeder in silver lake area, but I cant seem to get a hold of him..... I heard a few people got theres from APFP, and I think the breeder I got mine from sells to a place in seattle university area. I forget the name, never been there.

other common names is... dbl red, cockatoo cichlid

i need to do more research on these guys.
what is their temper like? water parameters? do they like caves and rock formations like other cichlids or do they like planted style setups?


New Member
I tried breeding these lil guys when I had them... there super fun... but I had to move and didnt get a chance to see it thru.... I had mine in a 20 gal planted tank with a few small clay dishes/pots stacked for homes. (The same setup the breeder was using)

When they pair up they can get pretty narley to any third or fourth wheels.... I had a male and 2 females at first, then put the 2nd female in a community tank after he chose his mate. They are pretty much like any other cichlid for that matter. Think they're from a river out of peru south america... anyway, water parameters 7.0 ph, and neutral to soft water. I kept the water around 80-85 degrees....

Very cool fish, awesome personality, and there colors are just amazing, even the female gets allot of yellow on her when spawning. I think aaron feeney had some??? maybe he will post.

edit *Just was reading, found ph is preferred to be below 6.5, guess thats why I didnt get a good spawn*


Well-Known Member
Hi AE86-Danny,

Actually that one looks like just a regular Apistogramma cacatuoides; a 'Double Red' would have the ocelli (eye/circle) on the dorsal fin as well as the caudal fin. I have 'Triple Reds' that I spawned at Christmas. They have the ocelli on the caudal, dorsal, and anal fin. We have several members at GSAS that breed these.


Here is a lower quality 2X - 3X male I had last spring that died over the summer.


New Member
Seattle_Aquarist said:
Hi AE86-Danny,

Actually that one looks like just a regular Apistogramma cacatuoides; a 'Double Red' would have the ocelli (eye/circle) on the dorsal fin as well as the caudal fin. I have 'Triple Reds' that I spawned at Christmas. They have the ocelli on the caudal, dorsal, and anal fin. We have several members at GSAS that breed these.


Here is a lower quality 2X - 3X male I had last spring that died over the summer.


Ron has invited me to those GSAS meets, i didnt get a chance to make the one on valentines day but i plan on making some in the future.

i want to come out and check things out really badly.
especially if i can find some of these guys there :)
you can come to the meetings still if your not a member. the next meeting is on raising fish for fun and for $$$, should be a good one. but then again i dont live 50 miles away.


New Member
hobbyorobsession said:
you can come to the meetings still if your not a member. the next meeting is on raising fish for fun and for $$$, should be a good one. but then again i dont live 50 miles away.

Unfortunately for me i do live 50 miles away lol.

Hopefully with a little more patience i can maybe start breeding some cool species and make a little money on the side :)


Well-Known Member
Hi AE86-Danny,

GSAS has many members that can only make it to 2 or 3 meetings a year (especially folks on the peninsula, way South, way North, and E. WA) and yet they still have the opportunity to enjoy many benefits of our club. Members enjoy Discounts at many of our LFS, access to our extensive Library of fish and plant books and videos, digital access to 40 years of the GSAS magazine, Northwest Aquarist, and Bittorrent downloads of many of our past speaker presentations (now recorded in Blu-Ray and well edited by our videographer Erik Olson).

Of course, our GSAS e-mail chat ('airstone') is open to everyone who wants to participate and chat fish, plants, and breeding with other members. Warning! If you do make it to a meeting you will be hooked. This is not your "average" fish club, a typical meeting has 70+ in attendance and we have FUN! I especially like the 'mini-auctions' at the end of the meetings where our members sell their "extra" fish and plants. I have found some great deals on Apistos, angels, and plants. Check our website www.GSAS.org for the latest club information. http://www.gsas.org/


There are a couple people in the club that breed these guys. Kathy and Jeanna for sure.

Midway Pets on Pacific hiway had some really nice "flame" variety that I almost bought but didn't have a good tank for it. Check it out with Alex Wise if you go there. He's a great asset to Midway...!

I'm planning to go up to Seattle this Thursday to visit fish friends and check out LFS in the area. Welcome to go with me if you want.



New Member
fishloverRon said:

There are a couple people in the club that breed these guys. Kathy and Jeanna for sure.

Midway Pets on Pacific hiway had some really nice "flame" variety that I almost bought but didn't have a good tank for it. Check it out with Alex Wise if you go there. He's a great asset to Midway...!

I'm planning to go up to Seattle this Thursday to visit fish friends and check out LFS in the area. Welcome to go with me if you want.

Yeah we still need to meet up :)

Just give me a call or a text prior and ill meet you where ever.
text me with info on the aquarium meets that you were telling me about.
i need to broaden my knowledge and speak to some professionals :)