Another new one!


New Member
Another new one!

Hi, I just recently joined this forum. My name is emily and I have been in the fish hobby for years. I breed African cichlids mostly with some central american and flowerhorn. I currently have 12 tanks, my favorite being my 125 tank with two 12 inch green phantom plecs and a 14 inch 6 year old Midas Cichlid who is trained to eat out of my hand, and to blow bubbles at the top for food. He also loves to be petted. I love to learn stuff, so I decided to join! Great to meet everyone.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Re: Another new one!

:welcome!: When you get a chance, post some pictures of your fish in the show and tell section.


New Member
Re: Another new one!

Welcome! I love it when fish are calm enough to be pet, makes them an actual pet and not just a fish :D