Another new guy - Around Bellinghan


New Member
Hi Everyone
I'm getting back in to the hobbie. I just picked up a 125gal setup and looking forward to getting it up and running with my grandkids help :) . I have a lot of questions and found most answers just lurking here on the fourm. Looking foward to getting to know people with the same interst as I have.

Thanks Rick


New Member
Welcome aboard Rick. I love 125g tanks - my primary showtank right now is 125g and I'm actually preparing to sell it and replace it with an acrylic 125g. Perfect size tank for african cichlids, amongst others. :)


New Member
Thanks for the welcome, I'm not real sure what ind of fish. Right now I'm taking my time setting up the tank. I really want to get my grandkids in to the hobbie and help them start there owen tanks. I would like to use alot of live plants in this tank. Any help get started on that would be great.

Thanks Rick


New Member
Hi Rick!

Just FYI there is an aquarium club meeting in Bellingham on the Third Thursday of every month at the Barkley Village Haggens. (Its coming up on the 19th.) You can find the Bellingham Aquarium Society on Facebook (just do a search) or I'd be happy to answer questions for you. Kaosu and I have gone to all but the very first meeting, and I believe some of the other attendees are active on this site as well.

Also, if you are starting up a tank, I'd be happy to bring you some plant starts.

Clark's Feed and Seed is a great place to find fish and experts. Also, the specialize in species for smaller tanks (smaller than yours), which might be a great resource for your grandkids, if they get tanks of their own.



New Member
Hi Liz
I'll have to take you up on the plants after I get the tank setup. I saw the club on Cragslist last month and will see about going this month.

Thanks Rick