Another New Fishy Hobbyist To The Site


New Member
So after purchasing some purple mystery snails from someone on Craigslist, I was referred to this site. I've been reading here for a while but haven't started posting until now.

The first time I realized I was addicted to fish was about a year ago when I began having more than one tank running. Now both me and my girlfriend enjoy watching our fish babies grow to be happy and healthy.

Anyways, I have a bunch of tanks; a 28gal browfront, 30gal, 3x 10gal, and a 5gal. Right now the bow front has juvenile males, some glofish/danios, gouramis, juvenile BN plecos and a portole catfish. My 30gal also has juvenile BN plecos plus female guppies, as well as the luckier/prettier males to breed.

The ten gallons all have BN plecos but other fish are as follows:
Tank #1 - Gold gourami fry and 2x crown/delta betta fry
Tank #2 - White Cloud Minnows (Adults plus their offspring)
Tank #3 - Glofish. The surviving female parent BN pleco, also known as clementine resides in this tank as well. She seems to be doing amazing. Did she kill her mate Thor?... I found him upside down a couple weeks ago, dead after being seen alive a few hours before.

The 5gal is currently home to our surviving betta parent. The female died of stress after the past breeding. Very unfortunate, as she was the calmest fish I've ever had. The male decided to eat all of the eggs they squeezed out too :(

I think that's a pretty good introduction. I am proud to be a part of this forum. I hope to make some friends in the hobby and learn anything I can. :D.
Whoops, I keep forgetting that shelton is part of Mason County. =P I've been to Shelton a handfull of times, because my partner used to be the Chair of the 35th Legislative District, but not that we're in the 23rd district, we don't go to Shelton as often.'s nice to know another fish hobbyist on this side of the Puget Sound :)


New Member
Took my computer to a friends' house. Thought I might as well let you see some pics of my fish.

Gourami Fry alongside adult Glofish

BN juveniles


Purple Mystery Snail laying eggs

My BN female 'Clementine' eating a dead longfin danio

Porthole catfish


Pleco/snail orgy

28gal group

Sorry if that is too many pics in a single post. But those are the best pics I got :D