Another Everettite


Hello from Everett!
Thanks to Cory, I recently discovered this local forum.  Too cool!  I got my first aquarium around 1991 and now can't seem to get by with less than three tanks.
Here they are:
1. 14G planted--just this weekend I replaced my ancient ten.  The new one has Activ-flora substrate, the filter from the ten, a bunch of gravel out of the 20, plus all of the water and a lot of mulm from the ten...hoping for a quick cycle.  Added half a dozen cherry shrimp.  Hope they do OK.  Sure are cute little buggers.  When it is ready, I want to add a colony of platies.

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2. 20G. Currently hosting a female Honduran Red Point cichlid and her brood of about 30 fry.  This is her first spawn and she did very well.  Hubby calls her "Momma Bear," as she is very protective.  She shredded my hand yesterday while I was scooping gravel.  Well, she can't break the skin, but she latches on and shakes like a pit bull.  I went between laughing hysterically and flinching my hand out of the water every time she charged. She is two ferocious inches long.

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Momma with some fry.

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A few of the fry.  It looks like about a third of them are leucistic.  Behind them is the cave for the clown pleco--you can just see one of his fins.
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Portrait of Momma.
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3. 29G.  Six pineapple swords (two male) and three bristlenose plecos.  I am hoping the swords maintain a self-sustaining colony.  It's fun to count the little ones as they appear.
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Welcome to the forum!!! :)You're tanks look awesome XD can't believe at 2 inches momma bear is so brave as to attack you lololol


New Member
Welcome, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other sometime (I live just south in Edmonds/Lynnwood). Nice cichlid, I hope the fry are growing up nice and healthy!!