Another Everett Newbie...


New Member
Hello all,

Started out a few years ago when I bought my house. Living room wall had a 50"x50" cut-out for a tv but since I have a flat screen it was useless to me. After a lot of thought i decided to put a aquarium there and see how it went. Well after quickly upgrading from a 35 to a 55 to my current custom 110 tall I definitely became "hooked" on the hobby!

My current two set-ups are the 110 tall that I'm transitioning from a cichlid tank to a more docile tank with Rainbows, tiger loaches, sliver dollars, ropefish/reedfish, a leporina, giant danios and a soft-shell turtle that is preventing me from having the planted tank I want 'cause he digs everything up!

My 2nd tank is a 150 gal in my basement/den that has my buddy, a 26" albino giant gorumi, a 14" wolf cichlid, a pair of 8" jaguar cichlids, a 12" pike cichlid, some 5"-9" severum, 12" leporina and lastly, a 10" sailfin & 8" chocolate pleco.

Eventually I want to upgrade the 150 to a 200+ tank and get a few more BIG fish but unfortunately working part time at the moment just doesn't cut it.

Anyway, thanks for reading!




New Member
Hey jefe, welcome to WFB... this is the best local forum around! tons of great information, and cause we are local participating in our market area for trades/group buys is an awesome way to get some great fish CHEAP! ANyway, enjoy the sight, let us know if you have questions... (how to upload pictures ;) )


New Member
WOW! Very nice pictures! No joke about your buddy! he is freakin huge! just awesome.... glad to have you aboard... looking forward to your posts.