Another Bellinghamster


New Member
Hi all-
What a cool forum, looking forward to talking about fish with any and all. Let me just state that most of the fish I hold near and dear to my heart... would be less-than-bite-sized snacks for all those cichlids out there. I am a long-time fishkeeper, who is LAZY about a few things, first and foremost water.... where we are living dictates what I am raising. Was on a soft water dwarf cichlid kick a few years ago when living in Oregon, had the shrimp bug, caught the killie craze, bumbled around with bettas, and have recently been captivated by livebearers. Run all my tanks on a Jehmco DAP with sponge filters ( told you I was lazy!). I cruise Aquabid more than I care to admit. Enjoy trading/sharing fish and plants. My fishroom (a converted downstairs kitchenette with gorilla racks and strip lights) is my sanctuary from the day to day grind; especially these short, dark, rainy days.
ok, nuff about me.


New Member
Hey and welcome to WFB, this is the best place for trading buys, and selling your stuff.... since we are local we also put together group buys to save on shipping, actually one is going on right now... anyway, looking forward to seeing some of your pictures. :)


New Member
Thanks for the welcomes! Am currently sulking cause I couldn't make it down to the GSAS meeting... would liked to have heard tonight's speaker on plecos. Ack, I'm technologically challenged, but will post some pics soonish. Group buy.. from where?... heh