Angel fish advice [sexing] pairing advice.



Angel fish advice [sexing] pairing advice.

I've raised a Koi Angel and put it into a large aquarium. I want to say the fish is a female from reading I've been doing but I am unsure. I'm thinking about getting another Angel. Either white, silver, or jet black if I can find one. I have other small SA fish and dwarf cichlids in the tank . I don't really breed fish but have a tendency to pair fish if possible. I don't know much about angels and thought I could get advice instead of diving in. Should I do a male/ female? Or do 2 of the same sex to alleviate breeding aggression?

Tips, insight appreciated.




lars on

New Member
Re: Angel fish advice [sexing] pairing advice.

I dont know myself, but DAMN that is a beautiful Koi angelfish. If you do get a breeing pair Ill be bangin your door down!