alright i made my choice.


New Member
im gonna sell off my africans and start a planted angel fish tank with some smaller schooling fish im kinda excited about it :) ill be posting on here which fish im selling because my friend wants to take some of them and put them in her cichlid tank so we will see what i have left once thats good and done. thanks for everyones though and opinions :)


New Member
i wanna get some shirmp too and put in in with them ill probably start with some shrimp and get them going goo then add the angel fish


New Member
how would i do that ive always wondered? i want to do that and plant some cool low tech plants. right now i have just sand in there


How much for each africans? Only need 8 to replace the lost ones


New Member
Just an fyi. Angels get smart real fast and can tear down a colony even faster.

If you want a shrimp deal hmu xD.

My friend heavily planted her 130.. and the angels demolished the population *cull population. Which was hugeand had a constant supply of new culls. Ranging from 30 - 40 per day. And she only had 4-6 angels


Well-Known Member
Hi fishyladdy,

fishyladdy said:
im gonna sell off my africans and start a planted angel fish tank with some smaller schooling fish im kinda excited about it :)ill be posting on here which fish im selling because my friend wants to take some of them and put them in her cichlid tank so we will see what i have left once thats good and done. thanks for everyones though and opinions :)
Angelfish in a planted tank look great!


New Member
Good luck with that, hope it works out well.

I was also going to post a warning about angels and shrimp, because I have heard that they will devastate the shrimp, but I see some people already beat me to it!


fishyladdy said:
im gonna sell off my africans and start a planted angel fish tank with some smaller schooling fish im kinda excited about it :)


Bill. Tanks looks awesome. Has your angels breed yet? Mine did but ate the frys when they moved them. Still new at parenting.


New Member
bill, that's some pretty glorious wood you got there!
(chalk that up to a list of things I never thought id say to another man...)

but seriously...who has a figgin' log in their tank?! that's badass!