Aaaaaand... My Fishtank SHATTERS. :(

So much LEAKAGE :swear: :swear: :swear:

......... thank goodness it's April Fools Day :rofl: :spoton: :woot:

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New Member
I nearly forgot it was April Fools!! My friends are going to hate me, they usually try to stay away from me this time of the year. :twisted:


New Member
well, that hits a little too close to home...just a few weeks ago, my 230 L (approx 60 gal) tank break that i had brought back from germany. happened right as i was getting ready to run some errands for the afternoon. movers accidently knocked a foot off the stand, and no one noticed till a few hours after i filled it with water and...>snap!< stress crack right across the back!


New Member
huge is a relative thing...depending on your frame of reference...when i was a teenager with a 10 gal tank, my upgrade was "huge", many years later my upgrade from 230 L to 75 gal is more like "meh". i couldve done without the expense of an emergency tank purchase, you know? especially when the old one was good otherwise.


New Member
whattttttttttt???? another nick with almost the same username...... not cool. haha I think Poke where you thinking he was me?
Nick_87, OH SHEETS AND SAUCE!!! Whoa, mind blown!!! :affraid: I... wow, both of your avatars look somewhat similar at a quick glance too! And yes, I did mix you two up (hence the mentioning of the 160 gallon tank) . . . . WOW. Nice catch, Nick! I'm just... I can't... whatisthisIdon'teven... :confused:

................ unless.... THAT was an April Fools joke you just tried pulling off... I noticed that the other Nick only has three posts... hrmmm... ;-)


New Member
i was wondering why you referred to my old tank as a big one...thought to myself, does this guy not know a liter is not even a quart? a 230L tank is nice but large? thats relative...

anyhow, this is what you dont wanna see on the back of a full tank:

the stress crack points to missing foot on stand, and the cord points to the non gfi outlet that water was spraying onto.

i was getting ready to leave the apartment, and my dogs know what it means when im putting on as im petting one of them (a lab) i hear a crack! and at first, i thought his tail smacked against something...till i heard gushing water...

first thing i didnt do was call for mama...then i ran to the circuit box and opened all the circuits...i didnt bother what breaker was for what, i just killed the whole apartment..grabbed my one and only bucket, which the home brewers among you would recognize as the ubiquitous "ale pail"...for non homebrewers, its essentially a 5 gallon bucket with a cheap tap put in the bottom and pictures of hops drawn on the side...well my tap has long since been removed and im left with the only bucket i own has a hole in the bottom of it and i have an aquarium conducting a self imposed water change....

i throw open my back door (aquarium is within easy bailing distance of said door). thankfully im on the ground floor. i stick my thumb in the hole in the bucket and start throwing water out the back door, 5 gallons at a time

my lab, scared by his own shadow normally, terrified of this situation sprinted out the back door and stopped right in middle of the water throwing zone. standing in the mud he wouldnt come in, but he wouldnt back out of my target area while tank is draining on beige carpet, im playing dog whisperer to get muddy paws back inside..right i can get back to work draining the tank quicker than a crack could

eventually i got the dog in and the water out and the tank replaced. i think my 8 year old golden retriever slept through the whole thing. he was unimpressed.