Looking for ideas of maybe unusual or oddball fish for a 33 gallon long show tank. This will be in a living room.
Fish, as in singular? I've always liked my show tanks to be very active, so have generally gone with multiple pairs and/or schooling fishes.Looking for ideas of maybe unusual or oddball fish for a 33 gallon long show tank. This will be in a living room.
Yes, I thought @ShortyKiloGyrl was up north.Quite a trek up to Oak Harbor...
A solo puffer with personality like a hairy puffer can be fun. They tend to be pretty sedentary in nature unless they think they are going to be fed, then you get some nice interaction. A bit fussy with food in the sense they will probably never pellet train but you can easily use frozen foods like silversides and clams or the good old night crawler worms with them. I think that would be a fun choice!@sir_keith typically his style of tanks is multiple fish tanks. I'm not sure he would be opposed to a singular fish though. If it was something with personality like a puffer maybe?