30g Planted Community & 55g Community


New Member
I have a picture post in General and didn't notice this section until days later. That being said. I'll upload some videos here on both my community tanks.

First up: 30g Planted Community
This is a Med/High Light, Medium Planted, Non CO2, Fert tank. This is the tank that had the Camallanus outbreak that I have successfully been fending off. I've spent many hours on this tank and scape. It's my favorite. Plants did take a hit during the blackout sessions of the first medication round for the worms. Lost quite a bit and others are still recovering.

Second up: My newly set up 55g Community
[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/I9z0FLCjZSk" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]
This tank is quite new. Barely done with the cycle and I made the mistake of taking 5 larger fish from a friend who needed to tear down her tanks asap. That caused a major Ammonia spike that stressed my Adonis pleco into getting fin rot on his leers. Happy to report though that they are now currently growing back. I just finished the rock cave you see at the beginning of the video.

My plan is to make this a Medium Light, Medium Plant, CO2, Fert tank. Though it will take some time building all the components into the tank. I will be focusing on light and plants first. My Pinoy Zebra and Blck Bhost Knife in my 30g will be moved over to this thank once the worm treatment is finished.


New Member

Been a while since I've been on here. But here is an update to my 55g.


Looks awesome peylix, totally dig the caves. The planted cave on the left is sweet!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Your tanks look awesome. This makes me want to redo my 75 gallon community into a planted tank. I don't think I want to try the co2 method though. Seems like a lot of work and cost. So far my organic miracle grow planted tank is doing well so maybe that's a better route for me. Plus it would reduce somee weight from removing rocks to add soil. Lol


New Member
Thank you all. I'm really happy with how my 55 is turning out. Pretty soon my 10g and 30g will be going under some changes. Completely going to re scape them.

Yesterday however I went down to Co-Op and picked up some new residents for the 55. Went in to drop off the BGK and actually sold it to a really nice guy who is into Knife fish.

Came out with these guys:

2 Discus (Strain Unknown) Maybe some of you can shed some light as to what strain these guys are.

6 Clown Loaches

Don't worry. I know that the Clowns will surely outgrow my 55. It will take time though and when they do outgrow. I'll have a larger tank for them (And my Adonis) =]

Actually about to leave with the fiance and go back to Co-Op to get her a Hank t-shirt to support Hank's new tank and maybe pick up some plants.


New Member
ShortyKiloGyrl said:
Your tanks look awesome. This makes me want to redo my 75 gallon community into a planted tank. I don't think I want to try the co2 method though. Seems like a lot of work and cost. So far my organic miracle grow planted tank is doing well so maybe that's a better route for me. Plus it would reduce somee weight from removing rocks to add soil. Lol
This may surprise you but I'm not running C02 (For right now) I plan on getting a nice kit built for it though. My plants have been doing great with Flourish Excel and the Finnex Planted+ only.

But don't let C02 stop you. If you have a great idea/plan for your 75. Go for it as that's what I did with my tank and it has really taken off.


New Member
Well.. As always I came home with something XD
Got some new plants and 6 Cardinal Tetras. Everyone is hiding though as I just got done with the plants. Water is a little dirty too.


I think all I'm gonna do to this tank now is C02 this summer and a pair of Electric Blue Rams. Mayeb get a Finnex Monster Ray to use with my Planted+ to really make the colors pop.