ZigZag Eel has something sticking out of its body?!

I just noticed this last night, and couldn't really take a good photo of it, so I took video instead. And even then, it's still tricky to see what it is because it won't stay still long enough for me to get a really good close up shot of whatever it is that's sticking out of its body.

At first I thought it was some kind of Anchor Worm, but when I looked closer, I noticed that it doesn't move as freely as other Anchor Worms do.

Then I realized that it looks like it's somewhat clear or at least, a bit translucent. And because of where it's located, it looks like it might be bone?? I've noticed that it has tiny spikes along its back, that sometimes raise up (Makes sense to me, since they're also known as spiny eels). But that doesn't explain why the one on the very end looks like it's exposed? Is there something going on here?

Behavior-wise, it doesn't seem bothered by it, and it's still eating like a little glutton whenever it's feeding time... So, I'm completely baffled.

Here are two videos. In the first one, you can kinda see it off towards the right side of the screen, kinda where the back fin starts, if that helps any.


2nd Video, you can see it better, somewhat...


New Member
It almost looks like he's been injured. Are there other critters in the tank who might have tried to taste him??


New Member
I'm afraid I can't help other than bump for visibility. Best of luck :/

EDIT: I did a little research and I think what's going on is your ZigZag is growing spines. My peacock eels have several short spines far down their bodies and what tipped me off about your post is how centered the spine is on your eels back. Take a look at this picture. See the spines just before the tail fin begins? Is your eel younger and maybe now developing spines? I don't know at what age spines come in but this is sure what it looks like to me.
I was beginning to think that it may be an injury, the only thing I can think of that it could get injured from is the substrate, but I'm using sand...so that kind blows that argument away. Unless it rubbed against a rock or something.
There's nothing else in that tank that could have injured it, unless there was a neon tetra that was getting revenge on the eel. Lol!

Good to know about them developing spikes/spines as they get older.
I'm not sure how old this one is, but I've had it for about 8 months now, I think.

Also, the spine on mine looks exposed. While the spines on the picture look like they have a layer of "skin" so to speak over the bone.

I shot another video that shows how the bone looks like. Note how it looks transparent.