Zebra danio tank mates?


New Member
I have a 20 gallon tall, and 5 zebra danios. Need some good suggestions for compatible tank mates. I have read that zebra danios tend to nip at long float fins. Anyone have experience supporting this?


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Contributing Member Level III
Some small cories, maybe a dwarf gourami, some type of swordtail/platy


New Member
I have mine with a paradise fish with no problems. The paradise fish will occasionally chase after one, but they are quick and small enough to evade him.
My 55 gallon community tank has 11 zebra danios with the following tankmates:

1 Dwarf Gourami
15 Neon and Cardinal Tetras
7 Rummynose Tetras (MY FAVORITE!)
8 Harlequin Rasboras
5 Sunset Platties (1 male, 4 females)
2 Golden Platties (1 male, 1 female)
8 Julii Corydoras
4 Swordtails (1 male, 3 females)
Some Ghost and Red Cherry Shrimp, here and there.
And a couple Ramshorn Snails

They all seem to be living pretty well together. For a 20 gallon setup, I would suggest Neon Tetras, they're relatively cheap (especially during the sales at Petsmart in Silverdale, when they sell tetras for a dollar each......it's not the BEST sale out there, but around here, it's the best you can get. If you want to drive down to Tacoma, there's a pet store at B&I that sell Neon Tetras for like 50 cents each, or something like that. Totally worth the trip, I'd say.)


New Member
Ive read that some dwarf gourami can be aggressive...I think they are beautiful but this make me apprehensive about getting them. Ive always liked neon tetras, those are a definite YES. I DO plan on getting some cories for the bottom level of the tank. I was considering one of the SMALL species of pleco too. I do like those Rummynose too. Petsmart in silverdale and petco in bremerton are pretty much the only local places that i buy from. Im too lazy to drive down to Tacoma.
That's totally understandable. Petco and Petsmart are our only choices... There is also Farmland, in Silverdale, they have a lot of stuff that you don't normally find in Petco/Petsmart... although, their prices are a bit high ($6 for rummynose tetras.... where as, in Tacoma, B&I sells em for like $2.50. HUGE Difference)

I s'pose it's hit and miss with the Dwarf Gourami, but I haven't had any trouble with mine, I guess it's because they're in a 55 gallon tank, so there's more room for everyone.


New Member
I find myself in farmland about once a week. My wife always wants to see the puppies haha. I would agree that their prices are a bit high. Next time i go through tacoma I will have to check that place out.


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Contributing Member Level III
I've got a 20g long in my classroom, i have a dwarf guarami in with some dalmation mollies(and all of their babies), a common red male betta, and two male fan tail guppies. He/she shows no aggression, in fact, it always backs down when coming head to head with any of the adult fish in there. I would definitely get one, those danios would never be caught, and i think the contrasts in color and shape would like great.


Zebra DaniOs.... 20 g tall, maybe some tall growing plants in the background. Cory cats would be okay. The foot print of the tank is rather small so u may want to consider pygmy Cory.

You already have 5 fish that swim at the top/middle. A Dwarf Gouramis may do okay. Perhaps 2 or 3 PitBull plecos once the tank is well established.

My son had a 20 long with zebras. He had a beautiful male Krib with them & a couple PitBull plecos with 3 albino corys. The foot print of the 20 long was sufficient enough for the albino Cory but I believe they would have thrived better in a 30-50g with at lest 2-4 more to group with.


A pair of Checkerboard cichlids might be a neat addition. These fish swim middle to bottom of the tank.

You could even consider Apistogramma (Im a cichlid guy :) ) the tank should be well established. With the right set up some species could chill in a 20 gallon with your Danios.

Just some ideas...
