You Know You're a Fishkeeper When.......


You make a salad and share with your fish on the veggie clip.

You will only marry someone who loves fish or has fish. (No Exceptions!)

You ask your spouse if the white spatter marks on the bathroom mirror look like baby snails.

You bring all of your tanks into one room for a family reunion

Your wife says that she will leave you if you buy one more tank. So now you're worried because you have to decide where to put the new tank

Your fish have a better house than you do.

Your fish tanks are cleaned every week yet your house rarely sees a duster

You have to tell your spouse you are working late so that he/she doesn't know you're at the fish store

The other customers ask you for help instead of the employees

You drive 500 miles to your vacation destination and instead of going sightseeing, you find all of the fish stores

You have a "fish" towel hanging in the bathroom and everyone in the house knows which one it is.

Your wife tells you "NO MORE AQUARIUMS" so you slowly start change all your tanks to bigger tanks and then when she's away at her mom's for the weekend you dig a pond.

your cat reminds you to clean it's fish tank

your garage is filled with tanks and there is no room for your car

Your local fish store recognizes your voice over the phone

Your local library has to send somebody to retrieve all of the fish books that you've "Forgotten" to return.

you have a battle of wits trying to get a fish out of a tank and you lose

The directions to your house include "look for the house that glows blue"

your electric and water companies send you gift certificates for your local fish stores.

I can't take credit for any of these but if you want to add more be my guest. So far all but 2 of these are true for me. Ok, maybe 4 if you include the cat and the pond.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
You Know You're a Fishkeeper When.......

You go by the name 'madness' and nobody knows your real name. :laughhard:

Sorry could not resist!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Those are awesome, and they ALL hit the nail on the head.


New Member
Noticed while doing a water change today
" if your medicine cabinet has more aquarium chems than human products, you know youre an aquarist"


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
You Know You're a Fishkeeper When....... you put on job applications that you are bi-lingual because you know the Latin names of all the fish.