WTF are these...?


K. Been trying to figure out wtf these are. I've been doing research, and it looks like nothing else i can find. It doesn't look like crazing, they're not scratches, so what could these be?!!! I'm thinking MAYBE some kind of chemical damage? They're in a weird pattern. They have a VERY VERY slight texture, on the outside, and aren't very deep. Without flash u can barely see them. I probably don't even need to do anything. Its not on edges(stuff u see in the corners is dirt), or on seams, so structure of tank seems fine. But not knowing is bothering me :x . Top pic is what u see when normally looking at the tank. Then when u get the right angle, u see these things. Pic 3 shows the acrylic panel looking from top down. Sorry the pics r upside down, it was only angle i could get the marks to show up. I'm wondering if I should try to get them out or just leave them :confused: ...


I've noticed acrylics having odd swirls, lines, even what may look like stains in the pours of the plastic.  My acrylics never had crazing but I noticed imperfections in the plastic when there was no water in the tank.  I also dont like how plastic bows. To me this looks like those imperfections reflecting light at just the right angle. Sorry I can not be more accurate. I'd really have to be there to get a personal visual and get different angles.


I can't fill it up right now, but I'm hoping when i get to; they'll go away and not affect my view... OR i could try to get them out...


IDK if they will come out. I would definitely fill it first. They may completely disappear like many marks/scratches do.  When I got my 1st acrylic it was used for salt water amd had many hard water stain deposits along with other stuff I couldn't identify. I used desolved salt in warm water as an abrasive and cleaned it up pretty good. Of course it wasn't perfect but all the marks disappeared when full of water.


I think I've found the original owner(i believe I'm owner #3). I'm gonna ask him if he knows what it is or what happened to it. I'm hoping it's not something terrible... :cry:


New Member
I had an acrylic tank that looked like that, I was told from a former owner who reconized the tank and said it happened by hot water scalding.


New Member
second pic
my tank did that to on one side. there just micro fractures in the acrylic. Nothing bad just looks like crap. its a sign of an old tank. when u fill it up you will still be able to see them because they will catch the light,


So. Heard back from who i think is the original owner, he said they weren't there when he sold it and he has no idea what they are. So someone in the owner line isn't telling me something. Either it's the person i bought it from, or the original owner. But at the same time i can't see a reason for either of them to lie to me, so idk wtf is going on here... These marks didn't just magically appear...


Asked how old it is. Would b nice to know more about the tank. It certainly doesn't LOOK old. Wondering if i.can get those spots to go away. They seem like they could b buffed out.


New Member
If you look down the glass you can see how deep the damage is. Crazing can happen from Hot water on the inside, but a unch of differnet things can cause it outside. I also seen stress fractures at the edges in older tanks. Goblue had my ald 110 tall that I picked up with hot water damage. lol. :O)