Willing to pay for help.


New Member
I have been having problems with my halfmoon and I can't seem to get him out of this funk. He doesnt look sick, but is weak and just lays around on his side. Ive also tried adding heat, more air, a filter, salt, change of scenery, he just keeps getting worse! Ive tested the water and its fine. I just dont know what else to do. If anyone has a quarantine tank and is willing to try and save him, I would be willing to pay. Even if he doesnt make it I'll pay. I just can't sit here and watch him suffer, I'm not sure how much time he has left. I'm willing to travel to drop him off and come pick him up if he improves. I live in Port Orchard which is across the water from Seattle, so if you live anywhere around seattle, let me know and I'll bring him to you. Hopefully he makes the trip there, hes not looking well. Please get back to me asap, I'll be looking at this thread through out the day. Please be very knowledgeable about betta fish care. I'm paying for experience. Thanks.


Staff member
I'd do one of two things if I were in your situation. Join the airstone email list for the Greater Seattle Aquarium society. And post this same post, as there are many high end breeders, and general fish fanatics that could rescue this fish.

Or Contact Steev ward at B&D aquarium. He is a fish disease expert. Can take gill scrapings and put them under a microscope etc.

Depending on where you got it from it could have internal parasites. This will tax the betta and make it lethargic. Live baby brine usually goes a long was as does live black worms.

Long term if it is an internal parasite, you'll have to address that issue after getting some weight on him.


New Member
Thank you for the suggestions. Unfortunately the fish just passed. He wouldn't have made the trip anyways. Very weak and couldn't get up off his side. I'm glad hes not suffering anymore...


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Sorry for your loss. :(

I just went through a bad bacterial infection in my tank and lost a very dear fish myself. Keep an eye on the other betta since they shared a tank. Want to make sure he is not showing symptoms or if there is a possibility of it being a contagious issue.


New Member
Yes I am taking precautions with the tank. I wish I knew what made him so ill. The other betta is acting just fine. Hes the most active betta I have. It just doesn't make sense...


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I totally understand how you feel. I lost 4 fish in a row and each had different symptoms, then after I thought I had the problem all fix another 2 were lost. Normally I do not recommend tearing a tank completely down and cleaning it but in this case it might be a good idea. Sterilize everything, rinse very well and start a whole new water cycle.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you did everything you could for him. Do you know how old he was? Maybe it was just natural causes -- old age?