who has victorians?


New Member
im thin king about turning my 46 into a victorian tank once my 75 is ready. just wanted to see how others expierences have been with them. How are they with other fish? what kind of set up do you have? are any harder or easier to care for then others? ect, and of course we will all want to see pictures!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My son has 5 of them in with his Peacocks and Brichardi's and Calvus. They can be a bit feisty but nothing big. Their colors are amazing. Problem with them, from what I have heard, is there is a lot of cross breeding. So much that they are really getting hard to identify as to what they are. They already are very close in looks, but now that they are cross breeding so bad, it really makes it difficult.

Kinda like the Midas and the Devil.


New Member
what victorians does your son have with his peacocks? I am planning on orderig some.

any one else have any reccomendations on victorians that can be housed with peacocks?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
He has Astatotilopia Latifasciata, (he has 3 of these for sale, 1")
Mbipa Lutea 'Makobe', Pundamilia Nyererei 'Mwanza Gulf". Not sure if the last 2 are the true name, but they look the closest. He bought them from a local guy.


New Member
I had no problem putting my victorians with my mbunas and peacocks. Victorians do breed more than than my mbunas. Had Pundamila Ruti Island.


New Member
well im picking up my 75 gallon bowfront today. plan on having 12 different peacocks, and 5 victorians. also will have 2 plecos from Kianna (thank you vary much they are beautiful!) one albino bristle nose and one long fin, and then one rainbow shark.

then ill have to figure out what im going to do with the 46 if every one gets along!


New Member
Just figured it is worth mentioning a bit late. I have Victorians. Christmas Fulu are the only for sale at the moment, but I have 5 other very rare breeders which came from the Euro shipment last year where many victorians which were well kept in Germany and other parts of Europe came into the US. Many of which had never been here before. The Germans kept the lines pure. They come from the likes of Leiden University, and Ole Sehausen.


New Member
I'm late on the go with this one too but I have Christmas fulus (different line than me - long story), sp 44's and Ruby Greens. Around here I don't really keep any peacocks but have some Rubys living with Copodochromis Mchengas & a C.Moorii I haven't caught out of there yet, another group of Rubys living with my extra male Kribs, then my extra male sp44's are currently living with some young leleupis.