White fungal like growth on female guppies


New Member
White fungal like growth on female guppies

So today I noticed that one of my female guppies had a sprout like growth in her belly. It looked like mold with long white hairs. Has anyone seen this before? What is it? Will the rest of the tank be effected by this?
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

On her belly or hanging out the anal vent? If it is hanging out the vent, it's most likely a
parasitic worm.


New Member
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

How do you treat that? Will the other fish in the tank be affected?
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

I've never had to treat it but there are several products on the market. Others on here will have a lot more experience and knowledge than I. Come on people, chime in here!!  :D 

BTW, Denizaari, I really like your avatar with your little one with you!! :cheers: 


Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

A white fuzz is a bacteria I think. Whenever a fish of mine gets an open wound a white fuzzy scab will form. I use aquarium salt as a treatment.


New Member
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

Thanks for the positive comment in my kid and I. This while fish craze started with me getting him a fish tank. His attention span lasted 24 hours and like a squirrel he was gone. I've keep the ball rolling and picked up a couple more tanks with the plan to have a grow tank. It's ready for these babies. This weekend, sirwesdragon is bringing over his 90 with Africans. I hope to reignite his attention and have him be my buddy with the care of these fish.

Thanks again for the advice on this guppy. We'll see if she makes it through the night. I'll put some medicine and Q her. Maybe it'll clear up. If not then plan B might have to happen. :0(


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

I had this repeat on a male blue tuxedo guppy. When I would separate him from the others it would clear up and when he went back with the others it would come back out. Stress related I think as he was smaller than the others. I used Mardell to treat for cloudy eye, pop eye, fuzzy fungus and what not. It covers a few other things. It's always worked well for me!


New Member
Re: White fungal like growth on female guppies

Checked on her/them this morning and she has moved on. Thanks for all the replies!!!