What Kind of Catfish is This??

Still puzzled what kind of catfish this is. Hrmmm... it's currently in my 100 gallon tank, sharing it with a bunch of white clouds, and I'm guessing this catfish will grow up to become big enough to munch of the white clouds, which I don't mind if he does, considering that they were only like 20 cents each. =P

It kinda looks like a young Channel Catfish, but it doesn't have the "fork" fin-shape, like in the drawings I've been looking online. But I'm guessing it doesn't have a fork on its tail fin because it's still young... but who knows?

Maybe it's a Bullhead Catfish?



BULLHEAD!!!! it will grow to about 16 inches ultimately & eat anything that will fit into its large mouth.
fishNAbowl: AWESOME!! :D Well, looks like it still has lots of growing to do. I don't mind if it eats the white clouds =P circle of life, I s'pose.


New Member
I wouldnt be suprised if they start dissapearing real soon. My silver tip cat would eat everthing small enough as soon as the lights when out! Cool lookin lil guy. Where did ya get him?
Nick_87: found him in Tiger Lake when we went swimming several months ago, it was under a rock (of all places) and when I got it, it was only about 1 1/2" long, and now it's about 3" long, and definitely has a mouth big enough to eat the white clouds in the tank. I'm pretty sure my white cloud numbers have dropped, because I remember buying about 200 of them in the tank, and now there's about 100 or so in there. Hahahahaha!! :D

Once it gets bigger, I might just put it in a tank of its own, or eat it. I don't know. =P


New Member
He's right that fish will eat everything. You should plan on bigger tankmates if you want to keep him. It's a big tank... Time to upgrade to the big boys


anthony said:
He's right that fish will eat everything. You should plan on bigger tankmates if you want to keep him. It's a big tank... Time to upgrade to the big boys
That Bull Head is a good start, lol!

@PokeSephiroth, the fish maybe WC but the meat will get funky being raised in captivity. :vomit:
Interesting, yeah I was thinking that it would be better if they were tank raised since they aren't eating mucky water/mud. Alas, if I can't eat it, I will at least enjoy it while it's alive. :D Maybe cook it up, mash it, and turn it into fish food for the white clouds to enjoy. LOL!!!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Many of the water conditioners used in the hobby specifically say not to be used for fish meant for human consumption. What is the stuff doing to our fish?


PokeSephiroth said:
Interesting, yeah I was thinking that it would be better if they were tank raised since they aren't eating mucky water/mud. Alas, if I can't eat it, I will at least enjoy it while it's alive. :DMaybe cook it up, mash it, and turn it into fish food for the white clouds to enjoy. LOL!!!

DMD123 said:
Many of the water conditioners used in the hobby specifically say not to be used for fish meant for human consumption. What is the stuff doing to our fish?
Doesn't this just mean the product has not been approved by the FDA for food consumption?


New Member
I guess I didn't think about some of the chemicals that inevitably get introduced into a home tank... Someone who has a cold-water tank should do an experiment (or when Poke is sick of it, we could just catch a wild catfish of same type and size) to see if wild tastes better...

I know wild-caught salmon and other fish tastes much better than farm-raised, so it makes sense that this might correlate to hobby fish- but then again, we don't feed our fish just to grow as fast as possible like I'm sure farms do.
Spyral said:
That is an awesome looking catfish!
LuminousAphid said:
I guess I didn't think about some of the chemicals that inevitably get introduced into a home tank... Someone who has a cold-water tank should do an experiment (or when Poke is sick of it, we could just catch a wild catfish of same type and size) to see if wild tastes better...

I know wild-caught salmon and other fish tastes much better than farm-raised, so it makes sense that this might correlate to hobby fish- but then again, we don't feed our fish just to grow as fast as possible like I'm sure farms do.
Thanks Spyral! It is pretty neat looking, I've never owned a catfish like this one before hehehe.

LuminousAphid: Hahahahaha, I will definitely let you know if and when I get tired of it =P perhaps when I'm down to like 3 White Clouds. =P


New Member
I think then, like you said, you should mince him up and feed him back to them! The circle of life will be complete!

Anyway he is pretty cool looking!
LOL!!! Yeah, White Clouds being eaten by a catfish, which will then be fed back to future White Clouds.

"Yes, consume your own kind. CONSUUUUME!!!!"


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Dont eat him! Raise him out and get him some cichlid buddies.
DMD123: .......... I hate cichlids though. Living in the Philippines for 5 years during my college years, every filipino fishkeeper is all cichlid this, cichlid that, my flowerhorn has a bigger hump on its head than yours, my arowana (although not a cichlid) is bigger than yours, oh green terror, green terror, parrot fish, blah blah blah.

I'm scarred for life. And I've vowed never to keep any cichlids of considerable size in my tanks, thankyouverymuch =P

And seriously, what is it with Filipinos and their lust for Flowerhorns and Arowanas? I just don't get it!! :scratch: 
I'm Filipino, I don't care for them... :rofl
SiRWesDragon: Do you have a fondness for Flowerhorns or Arowanas? :lol!: 