What does your screen name mean?


New Member
"Fins" because of all the fish here LOL and "Feathers" is part of my native name grandpa used to call me, make some pretty cool feather decorations and last by not least seems I always have a bird or 2 around

Then the other one I use on some forums is "shaysfishys" my nickname and of course the fish LOL


New Member
hobbyorobsession said:
a play on my interest in this hobby...hobby or obsession
I like yours. I resemble that remark!

My screen name came from that at one time I was keeping killifish. And they, most anyway, are pretty little fish.


Tom Green played a character in Charley's Angeles they called "the Chad". I figured since its my name, it sounded good. Tom Green is a nasty-funny dude :nutkick:

<---- Tom Green profile pict...


Everyone has great screen names. Nice to see the back stories.

My screen name is a play on my last name and my nickname in highschool.

Salazar-last name.

Saladbar-highschool nick name (Aberdeen highschool just got its all-you-can eat saladbar when I went there in the early eighties and I ate it ALL!)

Together makes Salzabar.

Its been my online name since I was using dos based computers which we all know to be PC's using windows 3.1.. yeah, I'm that old.
PokeSephiroth can be disected into two words/name. "Poke" and "Sephiroth"

Poke from Pokemon, and Sephiroth, is a character/villain from a game called Final Fantasy 7, that I was playing at the time when I created my online name. I'm a Final Fantasy nut, really... although, I haven't been playing much games these days. Heh. Go figure.

I've had this online alias since I was. . . . oh. . . 13 years old, maybe? And I guess it just stuck =P
Mine's not too tough to figure out.. I've loved fishes since I was first given a couple guppies by my favorite aunt down in Calico Rock, Arkansas.

lars on

New Member
I tried to make an account for a month under "Larson" the name of my favorite little black misbar ocellaris clownfish, but I couldn't get my registry thing in my email so we couldn't confirm it. Mikey wrote me back and told me he fixed it, but had to put a space in. Hence, Lars on.


I've always had Bassets.



New Member
i'm a big geek outside of fish keeping too. i do a lot of tabletop war gaming and paint a lot of historical and fantasy/scifi miniatures. i used to sell miniature dragons i painted and my screen name online was iandracopainter.............painted more than dragons though. i don't do it professionally anymore. anyways, i shortened it for other fish and motorcycle forums.


New Member
This is a pretty cool thread so see how people came up with their screen names..

The "h" is the first letter of my last name, the "blue" came from a big blue monster truck as my kids call it that i had at the time.. And the "hunter" came from that i love to go hunting..
Simple yet effective, I love Central americans. Since then I have gone to mostly large South American cichlids. Either way I love me some cichlids!


Active Member
I used to race r/c cars and would trade airbrushing for parts or $ to fund the hobby. Not everyone knew my name at first, but they knew I painted many of the tops on the track so I was called Paintguy so many times I just kept it.