What are you keeping… roll call


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
It’s been a while since everyone updated what they are currently keeping. I think it would be great for us to share what we currently have.

I’ll start….yes, petstore nicknames work too, even if they aren’t labeled correctly.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
220g: 15” male midas and 7” female Chanco, sailfin pleco 6”.
180g: male hybrid 13” Dovii X jaguar Cichlid cross.
75g growout tank: male chocolate cichlid, male torquise severum, 4 times Chanco midas growouts, delhizhi polyterus, random mini poly, sailfin pleco 4”
75g living room: polleni cichlid
75g bedroom tank: 4x discuss, 10 small tetras, 3x bronze Cory cats, 1 sailfin pleco
40g classroom tank: clown knife fish and whatever feeder guppies are left over the weekend.
40g breeder: julichromis ( from fishguy1978)

75g running but no fish.

What do you all currently keep?


Well-Known Member
10g 6 total. First attempt was 4 then I remembered the mutt tank so it was 5 then I remembered the kiddos Magenta tank. So 6 ten gallons.
One with Black bar saddleback and tuxedo Endlers. These will be going away
One with wild type guppies.
One with my French blue lace project
One with Cobra guppies both pintail and round tail currently. The round tails will be going out.

4 5g
One with my saddleback snakeskin magenta line.
One with my blonde version of that
One with an Endler male I picked up recently with a leopard and zebrinus pattern that has young snakeskin females in with him

2 2.5g One with two male French blue Endlers carrying snakeskin fin, purple body and blue irridescence patch genes with females carrying purple body.

20L Longfin peppered cories, swordtails and my original French blue Endlers

20g Woodstock yellow Cichlid for now. Might be grabbing a 60 tomorrow

150g goldfish going on 10 years next month. Big goldfish :)
60g new this year for goldfish fry
Unknown 15g maybe pond that is part of a garden feature for annual tadpoles and salamanders rearing.
6 tubs of microfauna

And a Stellars jay on a plum tree?

Forgot about the 8 or so gallon with the Bettas lol

Second edit: And somehow I missed the 30g "muck" tank about 1/3 full of water and detritus with a lot of duckweed and a chunk of rotting hazel covered in moss for tadpoles and salamanders.

Yes, I forgot about a 30 gallon aquarium and around 100 Bettas lol
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Oscars Rule

Well-Known Member
7 gallon- with a black samurai Betta
15 gallon- full of sterbai Cory babies
20 gallon -albino Cory's, neon tetra's, green tetra's and ember tetra's.
20 gallon- blue eyed for tailed rainbows, white cloud minnow's, sterbai Cory's, green dragon pleco
20 gallon long- some yo-yo louchs
35 gallon- rosey tetra's bronze Cory's , clown pleco
75 gallon- tiger Oscar, and 2 feather fin catfish
125 gallon- albino tiger Oscar, electric blue acaras, and a green phantom pleco


Well-Known Member
3 driftwood cats
1 clown pleco
1 tiger pleco
5 sterbai Cory
A bunch (4 adults and tons of fry/juvie)of long fin bristlenose
60 ish rummynose
A couple stragling leftover silver tips and cardinals from past tanks.
Male endlers
Amano shrimp

Female Albino LFBNPs
*Some* breeding "fordii" type endlers (I just don't do it for money anymore but have a few to keep the line going and stock the big tank), I use this as my quarantine when needed for intake fish. This tank needs a mustard gas betta to thin the herd but I haven't found one I like.

45 pent
Inkfin calvus
Neo multis
One random standard bnp that rode in on the siphon hose 6-7 months ago.
More snails!

Oh and tons of plants.

3 gallon shrimp nano tank for work but not stocked yet.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
My current stock is usually reflected in my signature... but in the middle of a big stock change out

300g Astronotus Crassipinnis, Pearsei, Bala Shark, Dabola endli (Tinkisso river)
90G Red Spot Severum x3, Boesemani rainbow x 7, Albino Hoplo cat x4, Albino BN pleco
90G Setiger silver dollar x8, BN pleco, EBJD
65B F2 Rio Paquita Amatitlania sajica x5, Buenos Aries tetra X9, leporinus arcus x3, swordtail x1, chubby pleco x2
65B Red wolf fish
46G Bowfront Golden wonder killifish x5, Madagascar rainbow x1, Betta
Fluval Flex 32.5 Hairy puffer

Hopefully it shows up but fish in BOLD Red are one Im rehoming.

No idea yet what I would do with new stock on the tanks once fish are gone, lol