Vallisneria sp.


Legendary Member
@whatthebloody and I were discussing the inability to maintain healthy specimens of Vals here in the P.S. area. I have Christel Kasselmann's book "Aquarium Plants" 2003, Krieger Publishing Co. and will reference her material from her collection of water and plant specimans. See page 41 and 435-440.
She made collections in the Rift lakes and New Guinea of Val sp. with the following water samples tested by Tetra Labs.

Lake T. Zaire
Ph 9.5
Temp 27c
Kh 18.4 degrees
Gh 11.03

Papua New Guinea samples
Ph 8.2
Temp 26c
KH 14
GH 8

The Vals growing in Lake T were shorter and in more protected locations like bays and coves. Specimens were typically 5cm with thick leaves. There were specimens growing close to rocks that obtained H= 40cm. The N.G. specimens were growing in a river with strong water movement and lengths over 2m.

Now I tested my water here in Fircrest this morning and came up with the following readings. This was from an API master test kit that is less than 2 years old and being a visual color test is sketchy on accuracy.
Ph 6.8-7.2 performed both high and low ph tests. Definitely lower than 7.4
KH 7-8 degrees (took 6-7 drops to change color)
GH 161.1 ppm (took 9 drops to change color)

My next step was testing 3 of my aquariums that are planted so I chose the 90g with sparse plants, the 29g standard with heavy plants, and the 30g BF with heavy plants. I performed a high and low ph test on each tank as I added a 1/2 tspn of baking soda to each planted tank yesterday regardless of tank volume. This disproportionate value will effect the outcome of this test.

Ph 7.6-8.0
KH 6 (6 drops)
GH 161.1 ppm (9 drops)

29BF and 29g STD
Ph 7.6-8.0
KH 7 (7 drops to color change)
GH 161.1-179ppm (took 9 or 10 drops to color change)
Sample below not in above order. Low on LH, High on RH
Snips taken from API online PDF instructions for GH and KH test kit
GH-KH_Conversion_Chart.JPG GH-KH_range.JPG
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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Well, I'm glad it's not just me. When I first started keeping Tanganyikan featherfins about two years ago I thought I'd plant their tank with Jungle Val. Here is a pic of that tank, which contained Val both from an online vendor and from a Seattle hobbyist who was growing it successfully in hard-water tanks-


It looked nice for a while, but the Val gradually melted away, and within a few months nothing was left. So this experiment was an abject failure.

Since then, I have switched over to Anubias. Here is the same tank today-



Legendary Member
V. Americana, technically invasive but readily available locally. I did a little collecting during my lunch break. I will be quarantining in a bucket for minimum of 2 weeks.
Being that cooler temps are setting in the plants are starting to die back but I was able to find some with nice healthy leaves.PXL_20211006_184228191.jpg