UV sterilizer in FW tank or no?


New Member
Just wondering if a UV sterilizer is even worth getting for my 75g FW tank. I've read many good things about them, however I would be afraid of killing off all my tank's BB with one. Right now I am experiencing a bit of a Black beard Algae problem, and I know UV sterilizers are known to help prevent future algae growth. All opinions are welcome! Just considering it for the future.


New Member
TRD_Power said:
So you're saying it is worth it? Also, by connecting it to the output, will it not kill off the BB?[/qu

no, it will not.

unless, connect the unit on the intake. all water entering the filter would starve the BB, eventually killing them all.


New Member
I think they are supposed to be effective for green water, not all algae. They are also useful in controlling ich. Most of your BB are on surfaces, not free floating in the water. I have one I use on my quarantine/hospital tank, but can move it to another tank if that tank needs it.