Today, there was a murder.


New Member
My beautiful Lionfish decided it had enough of the new Naso Tang. The Naso picked on the Lionfish a bit. The Lion went into offensive mode. He stung the Tang. Poor Tang fell to the bottom, flopped a bit and then stopped after convulsing a bit. I netted him and tried to force water through his gills, but it was useless. You could see the sting marks and he was discolored bad at the sting sites. It looks like the Lion got him a few times. I guess each of those spines can sting. Poor guy.

So raise a glass to Powder, the Naso Tang, He was a good fish. he lived fast, died young and had no regrets. Well except for screwing with a venomous tank mate.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That sucks. Love those Lion fish. Because they can be so deadly, are they safe to put with other fish? Or do they pretty much keep to the self's unless harassed, like Poweder did?


New Member
They are fine with others. I have another venomous fish in the tank as well, a Foxface. Neither bother anyone, unless harassed. It's real rare for a Lionfish to kill a tankmate.

It's kind of like the guy who carries a gun legally, he is reserved and doesn't flaunt his ability to kill you unless he has to.

Powder had it coming.


New Member
The blows dude
But on the bright side you have room for more fish now. Have you ever looked into angler fish? Ugly little suckers lol


New Member
I was thinking of an Angler or a Hawkfish.

The Angler may be out as I already have a fish that is just tearing up the substrate and redecorating, the Picasso Trigger..bastard is moving big pieces of live rock to make his cave.

I really need more live rock.