This made me disgusted and furious!


Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

drugging them is probably safer when moving them, but dropping them into 5in of water is just cruel.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

They are still stunned from being drugged so the belly flop treatment doesn't hurt as much. :suspect: 


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

No thank you... I will pass on that. :tongue: 


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

I wonder if this isn't why Discus are so...fragile in our tanks here. Rough treatment at the farms/wholesalers before they even hit the stores could be the source of all of it. I read somewhere years ago that some places will use arsenic or other poisons to disable a fish in the wild for easier catching, and that one exposure is enough to halve their life span.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Ive heard of using chemicals with saltwater fish when catching them in the wild. I dont see why they need to do that with a tank full of fish. Just lower the water level and use a big net.


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Indeed, or even a container to scoop them up in to limit fin and gill damage. This is just laziness and not caring on their part.


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

this is one I have a strong opinion on, and not simply because its discus, but as far as im concerned its morally reprehensible to drug *any* animal to make it easier to handle...with few exceptions (surgery, relocating wild animals which wander into neighborhoods, et cetera) at no time should even a simple neon tetra..much less any other fish be drugged in this way, and farming operations that do this should be treated just like puppy mills are

I personally have strong feelings about bare tanks like this, but one could make an argument for it in breeding conditions..
I feel even the way of agitating the water is cruel, the way the net was swirled in the water startling the fish unnecessarily

finally, anything over a 30% water change I think is wrong- discus like their conditions to remain a constant.....what fish doesn't? theres a reason we all have our acclimation techniques....sooo either these 90% water changes are a shocking rapid change from poor quality water to good (in which case they should be making changes more frequently) _or_ if the conditions are similar enough to not shock the fish, then that large of a water change is an entirely unnecessary traumatic experience for the fish. they may survive, but I couldn't call that thriving in an environment like that

finally, these are intelligent, social beings. there is absolutely no excuse for them to ever be dumped from one location to another like a Frisbee or a piece of garbage. the best they can hope for is to get out of a sh(**y existence like that and into a tank where someone would care for their well being


Well-Known Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Yeah this is a arguable conversation but I still can't stand how they just throw them in there like its nothing.


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

im not sure how maltreatment of an animal, whether cherished pet or livestock is argueable...but opinions are like a$$holes- we've all got one.

in case you haven't noticed, this is a subject I feel very strongly about. personally its not just how they toss them back in- its the whole process I cant stand

along similar lines, I wish I really knew where our fish came from...I mean, to trace them from the LFS all the way back to the source...what is the journey the make to get to our tanks? where do they come from and how are they treated along the way?


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

The farm is in Malaysia. When I was in Singapore I made a trip to Malaysia to see a fabricator. Singapore is a very strict and orderly place, TONS of rules of conduct and behavior. Malaysia, however, is like the rowdy kid brother! It's a wild place where pretty much anything goes. Farms like this are just like our livestock farms. The fish are a product (as mentioned earlier) and not seen as a pet. They are each 130 ringgit in water to them. They handle them in a way to inflict the least damage and retain their saleability. They work fast and probably have perfected their methods over years and years of practice.

I do not agree with breeding farms. Whether it be fish or puppies or any other companion animal.

Lamental Jester

New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Spyral said:
I do not agree with breeding farms. Whether it be fish or puppies or any other companion animal.
Agreed... Makes me wish chicken wasn't so darn tasty considering the incredibly inhumane ways they are handled


New Member
Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Lamental Jester said:
Agreed...  Makes me wish chicken wasn't so darn tasty considering the incredibly inhumane ways they are handled
And delicious cows.


Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

How about those farm raised fish like salmon or tilapia.


Re: This made me disgusted and furious!

Tell that to my africans and angels. They tell me "feed me or I'll eat my tankmate (africans) or get your hands out the tank (angel pairl)"